Why him?

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Hello! I have decided to post another chapter as you see. I am definitely mentally stable enough to write this at 1:30am ;)

Izuku POV
The next day at the cafe

Ava is perched on my shoulder as I work at the counter at the animal cafe. She is actually a service animal for me and is aloud to be with me as I work. I might have made a fake certificate for her but honestly I do really need her. She helps me out of panic attacks quite often and helps me to not space off during work. The cats in the cafe surprising leave her alone and most don't mind her grooming them. Customers always find it amazing that none of the cats attack her and let her groom them. Any, today is pretty slow since it's a Sunday and most of the regulars show up in the morning before he gets there in the afternoon. Noticing this fact he decides he might as well space out for a bit and try to think of a new patrol rout.

"Ava, peck me when someone comes in please" Izuku says to the Raven. She caws silently before flying over to sit on his shoulder. Knowing that she understands, he spaces out behind the counter. After about ten minutes, Ava pecks the side of his face and he's knocked back into reality. He see a man that looks a lot like a certain hobo walk in. Wait! That is a certain hobo I know. Calm down Izuku. He doesn't know it's you.

"Thank you Ava, can you stay with me for this interaction? Just make sure I don't panic." He whispered to the bird on his shoulder before making sure his mask was on right. At work Izuku wore a black face mask that covered his mouth and nose. He also wore blue eye contacts and slicked his hair back to hide his identity. Luckily the mask muffles his voice a bit so it shouldn't sound to much like himself. EraserHead approached the counter, glancing at Ava on his shoulder, before looking at the menu.

"Hello and welcome Sweet Animals! How may I help you today?" He asked in a cheerful voice.

"I'll have a Anima Coffee for the cats to share and for myself I'll just have a black coffee please," he said in a deed tone as he reached into his wallet to pay. I feel myself starting to panic a bit, but luckily Ava notices a nips at my ear to calm me.

"Alright that will be (random amount)," I said. He pays and goes to sit down while I make his and the cat's drink. I'm surprised he got one of the animal drinks. Not a lot of people get drinks for the animals but if you get them one, the more they like you. Once I finish them I go up to his table and drop them off.

" You're the only one here, is there a reason your all alone?" He asked as I was about to walk away. I try to come up with an answer but I start to panic a bit. Why was I alone again? Why is no one here? My train of thought is cut off by Ava loudly cawing in my ear.

"Thank you Ava, I spaced out again," I mutter to her as I look at Eraser giving me a weird look. I better expand.

"Sorry about that. Ava is my support bird and she helps me when I space out or have panic attacks. Don't worry she's not usually loud," I explain quickly and turn to leave, but he grabs my wrist telling me to wait. Out of instinct I tense up and wait for him to hit me. Luckily he sees my reaction and let's go of my wrist.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have grabbed you like that. I was just curious why someone so young would need a service animal and need to work," he states and I calm down a bit. I'm still shaking a bit and I take a few deep breaths. Just as I was about to answer the front door burst open.

"Amai! I'm back and ready to snack," Izuku sighs at his friend's antics and goes over to the counter, forgetting about his previous conversation. Amai is his secret identity name for the cafe.

"Azar, I'm going to kindly ask you to shut the fuck up and please don't bother the costumers" Izuku states bluntly before preparing Azar's order. Azar was Izuku's first friend after running away and is the only one to know about his other identity. He tends to be loud and not really aware about his surroundings but he's nice and cares about him.
He doesn't have the cleanest record and there's a lot that isn't on his record. It doesn't help he looks like a devil, but it's because of his quirk, it gives him an uncontrollable bloodlust that causes to go on mini murder sprees. In exchange he gets heighten sense and strength and he can look at someone to know how much blood is on there hands.  During his murder sprees he goes after people with lots of murder and crime on there hands and is know as the mysterious Blood Devil, know for being the murder of murders. His most noticeable feature is his scar over his left eye, that was caused by a lightning quirk, he's basically blind in that eye.

"Wow you really have my order down! Do you have any of the special stuff today? I really need some or I might be busy tonight," he said whispering the last part

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"Wow you really have my order down! Do you have any of the special stuff today? I really need some or I might be busy tonight," he said whispering the last part. He sat down at the counter and decided to chat for a bit.

"Your lucky that I have some leftovers for just in case, but it's the last. I'll try to get more tonight and you can come help if you want. I need to move some stuff around and I might need help," I reply as cryptic as possible. Also the "special stuff" is blood, he needs some regularly to stay in control. I help by taking the blood of guys I take out, not enough to kill them, just enough to make them out of it for a while.

"Your the best man! Im so grateful that you have my back. I'd probably be a goner if it wasn't for you," he replied while he paid and took his drink. He happily drank while he pet Ava and scanned the cafe. Izuku saw him tense at the sight of the Pro Hero playing with the cats nexts to the window.

"Don't you dare cause a seen. You know he's one of the few good hero's and you promised me you wouldn't touch hero's I deemed worthy," Izuku whispered sharply to Azar before going back to cleaning.

"Yeah yeah, I know when to hold back. Plus I like him too. I just realized that he was here and tensed out of habit okay?" Azar replied quietly before turning his attention back to Izuku.

"Plus I have a different hero in mind for tonight"


1196 words (longer then most)
((Plus it took me over an hour to write))

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