Seconds turn to minutes as I hear footsteps approaching. I tighten my grip on the gun he gave me, I never thought I'd ever have to use it but here I am going over Logan's instructions in my head and trying to enact the same. I point it to the direction of the footsteps, my brain processing the fact that it's more than one person and if it's not Josh and Doyle I have to be ready to keep shooting.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, I can do this. It's already late in the night and that coupled with the fact that there's no lights around me, I am completely depending on the moon. A shadow creeped in front of me and I couldn't tell who it was so I did what I was told to do. I pulled the slide on the gun with little struggle than what I had expected and took a shot.

The impact of it rippled through my body and the sheer pressure of the shot knocked me out and I landed on my ass. My ears blared with the boom and just when I got ready to take a second shot, I heard a familiar voice.

I pointed the gun away as Elon's face came into picture. Lucky for him, my aim sucked and he managed to dodge my earlier shot. "I'm sorry—I thought—" I sounded like a complete lunatic.

"It's okay, you didn't hit me" He said as he carefully took the gun from my hand.

"Logan, where is he? Is he okay?" I questioned as I looked behind him and found a couple of men I hadn't seen before. "He's alright and back in the car. Are you hurt? Can you walk?" He leaned above me, helping me up.

"I think so" My legs finally decided to cooperate and I think it had a lot to do with the fact that I wanted to go see Logan, make sure he's okay.

"Your feet—do you want me to carry you?" We both look down to my feet, bleeding from some scrapes and blisters. It didn't hurt as much so I waved him off. I was glad I tossed my heels away because there's no way I would've have made that run wearing them. I'd probably have snapped my ankle or broken my neck.

"Jeez, you really ran for your life there" Elon commented, his tone playful as we began walking back. I guess I ran too far because it took us a while to get to the road. The first thing I noticed were the dead bodies lying around, followed by the bullet holes in the cars. It's a shame his Lamborghini got ruined this way, maybe I should've driven it when he  had offered. But that didn't matter right now as I spot Logan pacing around a car, his phone glued to his ear while he exchanged unpleasant words with the person on the other end.

I leave Elon's side and walk up to him, noticing how his shirt is covered in blood. When he catches a glimpse of me he hangs up the call.

"Are you okay?" He questions, walking up to me.

"Is that yours?" I ask him back, pointing to the red spots on his shirt. "Not all of it, they had me for a second there" My heart clenches at his words as I notice the one particular part on his shoulder which is soaked with blood, where he got hit.

"While we're on that topic, she almost got me" Elon says from behind me and Logan raises a brow at me. "I couldn't see clearly" I tried to defend my pathetic ass, to which he smiled and I mean he actually smiled.

"Let's get out of here" He grabs my hand and pulls me to a black car. I climb in without a word and he follows behind me. I sit in between the two brothers, while Doyle drives us home and Josh takes a seat next to him. My nostrils flare at the smell of blood and I try to come to terms with the fact that this is going to happen more often.

"Relax, you're okay" Logan whispers in my ears and I realize my body has been shaking all this time. He unbuttons his shirt and peels the fabric off of his body, I take the chance to peek at him, see if he was hurt anywhere else. He wasn't.

CAPTURED BY HIM (Book I: Captured series)Where stories live. Discover now