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A few hours had passed. The doctor had left, earlier, without a word. (Y/N) was left there alone, again.

(Y/N) was counting the seconds that went by. It was the only thing that she could do. She wasn't one for an active imagination. She was the kind of person who would simply live through logic, and that was what she was trying to do.

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And the door opened. It opened with an annoying creek. Not a creepy creek. An annoying creek. One that echoes throughout the room when you're walking around the house late at night and trying your best not to wake anyone up but then you open the bathroom door and you just hear it. Yeah, it was that kind of a creek.

Either way, the door opened. It was him. The man who made (Y/N) feel her heart pounding in her chest, like really pounding. Most of the time, no one pays attention to their heart because they can't feel it beating softly, inside of their chest, only whenever she sees or hears him, she can feel her heart beginning to race without paying any attention to it.

He walked into the room and sat down at the table. She hadn't moved. She was still sat on the chair on the other side. The streaks of tears were still displayed on her cheeks. And the puddle of, now congealed, blood was still on the floor behind her.

"So, I just have a few questions to ask you," She gave no response. What was she meant to do. Look at him with a bright smile, nod and say 'Well, of course, just go right ahead, I'm all ears!'? Of course not. No one could do that. Not even (Y/N).

He looked at her expectantly.
"Alright then, a woman is suppo-"
"Why?" She interjected, without even looking at him.
"Excuse me?" He asked. A firm look at settled upon his features. He didn't like the fact that he had just been interrupted by her.
"Why did you do that? Why couldn't you have just tasered me? Or cut me? Hit me? Inject me with some ridiculous serum?! Why?! Why did you have to do that?!"

The two of them sat in silence for a few moments. Then he finally spoke up and gave her an answer.
"Because now I know exactly how to torture you. I now know the thing that pains you most." Once again, she did not respond. She was stumped. Tell a lie, she knew exactly what she could say, but she also knew that, if she did, she would regret it.

"Okay, now remember. If he tries anything, scream. At the top of your lungs. Just scream. Do whatever you can with your mind to amplify it, I don't care what you do, but I will rush over here to help."
"What do you mean by help?" She knew what Sophie meant, she just wanted to hear it out loud, to know that it was real.
"I'm going to try and get you out of here.

Derek stood up. He opened the door slightly and poked his head out. Nick was no where to be seen, neither the Handler, or the doctor, or anyone who could possibly care. Only random workers passing by.

The door was open. She fully realised and processed what was about to happen. She knew it with 100% certainty.

So, she did what she knew to do.

She screamed. But it wasn't that much of a scream, just a short 'girly' one.

Derek's head could've snapped from how fast he turned to look at her. His eyes were filled with his anger and there was an audible snarl that came from the back of his throat.
"What the fuck did you just do?!" He almost yelled and slammed the door.
"I-I... You can't do this!" She knew Sophie was running.
"Oh! Look who thinks she's in charge."
"Stop it! Just stop! You can't just control me!"
"Yes I fucking can! I am the one who gives you the orders because all you are, in this fucking business, is a puppet."
"No I'm not, just stop!" She was stood up now and was rubbing her eyes..
"No, I'm not gonna stop! You need to learn your fucking place!" He was yelling.
"Please, stop!" She was yelling
"You need to understand that you're not the star in this fucking freak show! You're just a puppet in the background and I'm the one pulling the fucking strings!"
"I said STOP!"

And bang.

"(Y/N)... what did you do?" Sophie finally got the door open. The doctor's hands went to her mouth. (Y/N) looked up at her, a small piece of (Y/N)'s hair was stuck on her lip, as she stood with her jaw slackened.

The two of them looked back at the picture in front of them.

Blood. Covering the floor, and the wall, opposite (Y/N).

A body. Shrivelled like a prune. Headless. The bones and muscles from the neck visible.

And this time, she screamed.

A/N: I am so bad at updating... what the fuck...

But either way... what if... what if... I decided to start a YouTube channel... I don't know, should I do it?

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