Chapter 5

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"Esha sit quietly to have the reading session." Ordered Nandini

Esha followed her.

Jenny took out one of Esha's diary and read aloud

As I stepped out of the car, my foot stepped on a an uneven land that had the mesmering mixed smell of various flowers lingering over the moist land. The wind that hit the mountains at a distance let my hairs brush over my face. The blades of the grass having the pearl shaped drop of water touched my fingers. At a distance the horses neighed and the cows mooed. The petals felt soft, the creamy texture of it surrounded the dusty pollen centre. The fluffy clouds floated above my head..."

"Ahh.. Esha I have told you how beautiful you write. Just tell me once I will get all your writings to be published. Uncle Naresh will help us."

"No ma. I don't feel like. I don't want it now. May be later."

"I really don't understand you"sighed Nandini

"Okh okh. Now it's your turn mamma."

Nandini took out her favourite piece of writing

The bright Sunday sun got hidden by the dark clouds blocking the sun rays to reach the earth. The breeze blew as the sunshine was overtaken by the darkness. Birds chirped and returned to their homes. Breeze turned into strong winds banging the doors and the window panes. Leaves rustled to express its happiness. As I stood by the window side holding on to its grill, lightning flashed the sky. The grills vibrated along with the loud sounds of thunder. The squirrel left its half nibbled nut and ran swiftly to its bill. Baby birds sang for the joy of the warmth as their parents embraced them under their wings. The dry soil who wanted its thirst to be quenched, spread its beautiful earthy smell as the drops of heavenly rain fell over it. The trees danced as if it took a rainbath. The sound of the raindrops fell over the tin roof as if it sang its melody....."

"Today I will learn the poem 'Daffodils' by Wordsworth... Jenny can you read it for me."asked Esha

"I wandered lonely as a Cloud
   That floats on high o'er Vales and Hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
   A host of golden Daffodils.." narrated Jenny.

Esha repeated after her as she walked by the bank feeling every tree, every bark, every leaf, every flower, every stone, every drop of the flowing water holding her mother's hand.

As evening drooled over they were back to pavilion.

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