Chapter 2

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"Jenny are you writing?" Asked Esha.

"Yes dear I am. You continue"

"The rough bark smoothened itself as the greenish brown fungus have made its home on it. The umbrella shaped small wild mushrooms grew from the crack of the bark with its smooth creamy layer over the upper surface and the feather textured surface beneath..." narrated Esha

Esha is a blind girl who lives in the countryside with her mother and is passionate about nature. She remembers every touch, sound, and smell of the possible thing in the nature's lap. Jenny is not just her caretaker but her quite good friend with whom she spends her evenings at any lake side, or garden, or near the waterfall. She always supported Esha in her ups and downs.

"Esha you have learned Braile why don't you write by yourself. You have such beautiful observations of nature."asked Jenny many a times.

"I want my experience to be shared to the world not through Braile but by normal words. I don't want my weakness to be exposed in front of the world dear."affirmed Esha every time.

"So Jenny what's plan for tomorrow. Where will we go?"

"Where do you wanna go?"

"Let's go to some calm and quiet place."

"Lake? Mountain? Meadow? Waterfall?"

"Waterfall" gave Esha her opinion

"Zollin's lake"

"Yeah. But we will go by early morning please. We will do a picnic."

"Ok! Sure."

"Tell mamma also. Yeah...!! We will have a gala time!! Take my old copies too we will do a reading session"

"Oh! You are so excited for tomorrow. I and your mom will make arrangements for tomorrow. Good night! Have a sound sleep."

"Good night! Sweet dreams!"

LOVE IS HIDDEN IN NATURE (ON HOLD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang