"What should I do? Cause I know being alone is the last thing he wants. But I'm not the one he needs right now-Mom?" He look up at his mother expectantly.

She smile. "I know" she kissed his cheek. "I was going to anyways"

"You go and rest, i will take care of him" she says reassuringly, urging taehyung towards his room.


Jungkook frowned when he saw taehyung's mother infront of his room. "If you don't mind, can i come inside?" She says smiling softly at him.

Jungkook nods a little and step aside to give her a way. She walked inside but jungkook stayed at the door, standing awkwardly not knowing what to do.

She chuckled at his face causing jungkook to look at her confusingly. "Come here boy, this isn't the first time I'm talking to you, is it?" She says playfully breaking the silence. Jungkook nodded and sit at the edge of the small couch inside the room.

"Tae told me about your mother, I'm sorry to hear that" she starts, looking at the man beside her who's gaze was set to the floor.

Jungkook nodded in understanding. "I know you want to be alone right now and also know that there is a sheer reason behind it, something that is bothering you" she says in a sweet gentle tone.

"I know I can't take your mother's place but i want you to see me as a mother figure to you." Jungkook look up at that and saw the sincere gentle eyes of her.
"You call me eomma, right? I want you to open up to your eomma beacuse you're no lesser than my son. Share your thoughts and emotions. what's bothering you. I will listen to you, tell me what's running in your mind, sweetie" jungkook look into her eyes weakly, can't hold the tough posture anymore.

He find himself weak for that sweet gentle voice she's talking to him, he's weak for the way she's looking at him, adoration and affection with a hint of pity at the corner of her deep brown eyes. Face showing such a soft expression just like a mother who's comforting her precious child. He saw the worry, tension for him in her posture. He saw the comforting and reassuring words from her.

He find that how his eyes sting, wanted to shed that blocking tears that wants to come out beacuse he knows that this is what he's longed for.

A mother.

He was already finding hard to control his emotions, his heart was already a mess from missing his creator who's maybe watching him from above the heaven with pity and worry filled eyes.

And hearing the sweet voice, the gentle eyes he's longed to see in someone else's eyes but now infront of him, he can't help the lonely tear that left from his eyes like a single drop in rain.

He was so desperate for that support, a mother support for as long as he can remember, that just a few words from her makes his whole body crumbled and he find himself longed for more and more.

He can't help the salty water that drip from his eyes in a shape of tiny waterdrops one after another that he find himself sniffing looking into the gentle brown eyes with so much longing and desperation that Eunwi(Mrs. Kim) teared up herself at the vulnerable look she has ever saw at someone, he looked broken beyond words.

"Oh honey, c'mere" she took him into her embrace gently tucking his head on her shoulder and let him sobs silently, she combed his messed up hair just like taehyung do to him.

But this was different. He feels like he finally found the thing that he was desperately finding without knowing what actually his heart wants at the moment. He feels like he's where he wanted to be. He feels how his heart feels so contented when she pat his hair, when she rub her soft gentle hand on his back to calm him.

MY PEACE - TK ✔Where stories live. Discover now