Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

The grey hues of the sky would have lent a sombre tone to the day, even without the task that lay at hand. Barely a word was spoken as the army filed from the city, each soldier lost to their own thoughts. Their memories of their departure, and their fears of what was to come.

The mind of the Third Marshal of Rohan was preoccupied with her hasty exit from the city, the brief, tearful farewell she had managed to take with Éowyn as they had descended from the upper levels of the city, the small murmur of congratulations from Éomer, casting her a knowing smile as they had mounted their horses at the gates. It seemed that whispers still spread, even upon the eve of battle. As she had walked through what was left of her own company, she had exchanged soft words of reassurance, of thanks that they still chose to stand with her. She could not summon the will to make any sort of rousing speech, she had exhausted that energy in their previous battles. Still, she ensured that the men who had always stood by her knew what it meant to her.

Even Folhelm, who had always had an easy smile to share with her seemed subdued, though he didn't miss the opportunity to cast her a wink as he overheard her speaking with Éomer. It was enough to pull a smile to her own lips as she settled in Folca's saddle. She was certain that had it been any other day, she would have had to endure merciless teasing from her company when news of her impromptu marriage was made known.

Not that it appeared to be any secret to those she loved anyway. As they rode out, Legolas and Gimli had moved to her side, saying nothing but seeming particularly pleased with themselves nonetheless as they shot pointed glances between her and Aragorn. Even Merry and Pippin, mounted with Éomer and Gandalf respectively, managed to fire her a grin as she had moved to the head of the column, taking her place at Aragorn's side.

At her husband's side.

She offered him a reassuring smile of her own, her brief waver of courage in the armoury laid aside. She only wished to show him support now, to let him know that she was here with him, to whatever end.

Though she could not resist leaning in as Folca had fallen in to stride beside Brego, smiling as she whispered to him; "I don't believe I mentioned it, but you look devastatingly handsome this morning."

It had been enough to pull a smile to his focused features, one he cast her way as he shook his head fondly at his wife, before setting his gaze ahead as he led his army to the Morannon, the Black Gate.


It was dreadful.

Not that Théadain had expected the gateway to Mordor to look inviting, but as they had come into sight of the Black Gate, a shudder had passed through her. The air was heavy with the stench of sulphur, the noxious fumes that rose from the mountain of fire and settled on the surrounding lands, preventing anything good or green from growing. She had never stood in such a foreboding place, and this was only the gateway.

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