Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

In the flurry of activity that had preceded Gandalf and Pippin's flight from Edoras, the wizard had drawn Théadain aside outside the Golden Hall, out of earshot of her father.

"You know I would ride with you, to Minas Tirith?" She had murmured to the wizard, thinking that was what he intended to ask her.

"No Théadain, I need you here, for now." He insisted softly with a shake of his head, laying his hand on her arm; "If your father will not see sense, I need you to lead every man you can muster to Gondor."

She swallowed thickly and nodded, already knowing she was reluctantly prepared to betray her father's will if it meant giving the World of Men a fighting chance against the forces of Mordor, though she prayed it would not come to that. "He will relent, I am certain." She assured him softly, "It is an old animosity between him and Denethor, neither have seen eye to eye, not since before I was a child. He will be able to see past it, this is not about two men on their seats of power, this is about survival."

"Your father is a good man." The wizard reassured her with a gentle smile, "He simply fears for you, and for his people."

"I know." She sighed softly, rubbing the back of her neck with one hand as the other braced on her hip; "It is just difficult to reason with him when he is like this..."

"Give him time, Théadain. He is also reluctant to move towards Gondor as he fears that once there, you would not return."

She cast the wizard an uncertain look at his words, knowing he did not speak of her falling in battle, "That will depend on whether those in Gondor would want me to remain, and if I choose to."

"Aragorn will need you before the end, Théadain." Gandalf murmured earnestly, "Though your paths may not entwine throughout all of this journey, he will still need you."

She nodded, biting her lip as she turned to cast her eye over the distant plains stretching Westward, in the direction of Minas Tirith; "I do not know what strength I can lend him, but I will do all I can." She vowed, "He knows I will follow wherever he leads."

Gandalf smiled fondly down at the young woman, clasping her shoulder affectionately, "Your heart is in the right place, Théadain, daughter of Théoden. Do not let your head tell you otherwise."

She only laughed softly and shook her head; "I hope you have more riddles for me when we meet again, my friend." She murmured, looking up as Merry hurried from the hall, flanked by Pippin. The wizard only smiled knowingly at her before turning to call the two Hobbits as he strode down the steps. Théadain hurried to catch Pippin before he followed, pulling him into a tight hug. Even now, his bewildered expression told her he did not fully understand what was happening.

"Be safe." She whispered, releasing him as Gandalf called for him to keep up, ushering him on with a gentle hand at his back as she straightened, watching from her place atop the steps as the wizard moved towards the stables.

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