“Hi.” Says a voice almost making me jump. I was thinking about Shravan’s accident. He gave me a hint that he himself isn’t sure if it’s a mere accident; which means he needs to be more careful than ever. First that security breach now this accident, are they interconnected?!

I look at the owner of the voice, Ananya. Her innocent smile makes her look like nothing less but a baby. “Hi.” I smile at her too.

“Can I sit here?”, intrigued I nod. What does she want to talk about?! And by her stiff shoulders, I didn’t need to be a rocket scientist to know she wants to talk about Shravan. I again nod at her. She sits there elegantly. Staying quiet for a moment she sighs, “Shravan told me about you. Congratulations!”

“Thanks.” I say nonchalantly, “you want some coffee?”

“No, I am fine.” She keeps looking at me, “You are different!” When I arch my brows, she laughs and waves her hand, “Good different! Shravan needed someone like you. I have never seen someone who would act like it’s-not-a-big-deal in front of Shravan and his father.”

“What are you getting into, Ananya? Say clearly. I don’t like to beat around the bush, and I would be happy if you do the same.” I lean on my chair, “and if you are here to tell me about your and Shravan’s relationship, then I will have to disappoint you, Shravan has already told me about it.”

She looks at me with a peculiar expression, it’s a mixture of awe and disbelief. “You are not angry that I am here?!” I frown at her, is that what everyone thought inside! I walked out of the room, but not because I was jealous.

I look at her, she is still waiting for my answer, “Should I be?”

Ananya sighs, “Well I am. I didn’t like the fact that Shravan looks at you with so much love,” she stares at me, “he had never looked at me like that you know!” Her fingers travel towards the tissue paper lying on the table, “I always listened to him, I always tried to follow him, in case that would make him fall in love with me.” And that’s what you shouldn’t have done, is at the tip of my tongue, but she saves me, “And maybe that’s what I shouldn’t have done!”

“Inside, when you sternly called his name, his attitude just changed. At that very moment, I understood that he needed someone who would be able to stand in front of him with their head held high. Not someone who would bow to him on every given opportunity. He wanted an equal, not a subordinate.”

“Ananya, when Shravan told me about you, he actually said, you have a beautiful mind!” Carefully avoiding that he had compared herself with a puppy. “Now I see why!” I smile at her, “It’s really nice talking to you.”

“Thanks, Suman.” She gets up slowly, “but I have to ask you something,” she tilts her head, “Did you really not feel anything when you saw me?”

I smile at her while I stand up to match up to her height, “I love Shravan, Ananya! I need to trust him. Secondly, I have never been possessive or jealous, that’s just not my thing.” I take a step forward, “and Ananya, you were in his life, but I am in his life. I don’t cry upon what happened in the past. Yes, in the future if I see you are trying to take my place in Shravan’s life then I can guarantee you, I will not back down without a fight. But as of now, I don’t see you as a threat!”

Ananya's jaw almost kisses the floor, yet she looks at me in awe, “Goodness!” she mumbles, “You are amazing!” Her arms come around me, and she gives me a friendly squeeze on my shoulders, “You are perfect for him, Suman. You two deserve each other.” She picks up her bag from the table, “May god bless both of you, bye!"

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