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~Not Edited~

Betrayed and feeling cornered, I sigh, "Is he? Then he needs to be the one to tell me. I am not going to hear from someone who I barely know."

Greg tries to suppress his laughter but fails miserably, "A firecracker you are, now I know why Shravan is obsessed with you." He shakes his head, "He is pretending to talk to Mr Lockwood, yet his attention flits back to you like you are to disappear."

Standing here with Greg, I miss Akshay. How I wish Akshay was here with me right now. I smile, "You remind me of someone."

"Don't tell me a brother!" Greg mocks. 

I laugh again. Composing myself, I ask, "How was he?"

He doesn't take time to understand what I am asking, "When you left?" I nod. "He just worked and worked. It was scary seeing him like this." Greg tightens his lips, "It's so different. You know right, Shravan and I attended the same University?" I nod again, and he continues, "He was so carefree, yes, he was always a thinker and less of a talker, but he had a bright charm. When he first came to meet me, I was scared, as though I am seeing a hollow man. What magnificent stature he had, and how he crumbled beneath the pressure his parents had caused."

Greg pauses for a moment, "But when you came here, I swear I saw him smiling after months. But when you left, he submerged himself into work again — more than ever. He stopped talking to anyone. For him, success only mattered."

Greg looks at Shravan, friendship, fondness and pride shine in his eyes, "When I asked him over a drink, he simply shook his head and kept mum. And I knew his heart was broken beyond repair this time."

Gulping down the anxiety — what if Shravan actually has moved on, "And she?" I gestured towards the woman. 

"She is my sister, Camilia. She thinks she is in love with him. Though I don't blame her, it's easy to fall for Shravan." Greg looks disappointed, "I have warned her, but she doesn't listen."

"And you are okay with that?" 

"Absolutely not," Greg pauses, "but she needs to fight her own battles. If she is to face a rejection, then be it." he shrugs, "Life lessons are very important." 

"Hmm." Suddenly I feel bad for Camilia. "You know," I look at Greg to find he is already looking at me, "You are a great friend to Shravan, but pardon me as I am to brutally murder your sister's desire."

Greg winces, "I knew that was coming. Still, have mercy, don't be a butcher."

I grin, "I'll try."

Greg grins back at me. That's when I notice he is handsome in his own way. His pale skin is striking against his rueful red hair. But what makes his features distinct are his sharp icy blue eyes and a slightly short nose. He notices my scrutiny and smiles, "I am curious,"

I tilt my head while he continues, "How did you know that Shravan hadn't moved on?" I open my mouth to argue, but he shakes his head, "I know that expression, it's the same as Shravan. As if you knew, no one has a chance to stand in front of you — as Shravan will always choose you. How?"

My eyes wander off to Shravan, Camilia is still looking at him with all the love in her eyes, yet Shravan is paying her minimum of his attention. I nod, "I can surely tell he cares for her, but love, well, if he was in love with Camilia, he would have been paying attention solely to her." 

Maybe he senses my eyes upon him or there is something truly called one soul calling another soul, he turns to look straight at me. The intensity of his stare makes the hair behind my neck stand, "He is never going to look like that to anyone." I sigh, "He can be angry, he can do anything to make me believe that he doesn't love me anymore, but I know one thing, no one has the ability to love Shravan the way I have, and he feels the same."

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