Chapter 14

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Whilst I was sat there staring into space wondering what has happened to my life now, my mother comes rushing in with a doctor in tow.

I can't even look at her, she's hurt me soo bad probably without even realising it. She tries to come over to me and grab my hand for support but it's my turn to pull it away. So she just says,

Isabella; "Ryan tell the doctor what you just told me?"

I looked at her with disbelief, why is that important, it's probably just sore from not being used but seeing no other explanation I told him.

Ryan; "Well ever since I woke up doctor my throat has been burning, but I don't think It's anything to serious to worry over."

Before I'd even finished my sentence the doctors eyes went wide aswell but not with fear more out of curiosity.

He turned to my mother as said.
Doctor; "Ma'am I thought you said she was a werewolf, you said you saw the change happen."

I was confused what's that got to do with anything so I looked at my mother waiting for her reply.

She grabbed my hand this time I let her for my own comfort aswell as hers.

Isabella; "I did say that because I saw that happen with my own eyes, granted she was a lot bigger than any other werewolf pup her age but she was a werewolf non the less why, does this mean what I think it means?"

What?? Now I'm more than confused, they both know something about mee and aren't telling mee, I want to know, No, I need to know.

I look up to my mum to find her already looking down at mee with nothing but love and affection in her eyes.

Ryan; "Mum what does this mean? What's wrong with mee?"

Tears started to form in my eyes, was I abnormal, like I know that I'm special cause I have 3 beasts living in mee but is that a bad thing does no one else have 3.

Isabella; "Hey, calm down Ryan, you must stay calm until you can handle your new abilities, we don't know what could set you off at the moment, as we've never seen this happen to anyone before. We will get to the bottom of this though don't worry about that."

Taking a few deep breathes I managed to calm my racing heart, settling all 3 of my beasts.

The doctor left the room but swiftly returning with a clear bag, filled with a thick red substance, the smell was intoxicating, I couldn't get enough of it. I licked my lips in anticipation, my throat started burning more, even though my mind was screaming with disgust my body reacted differently.

He handed me to bag and told me to take small gulps, In order to get use to the taste and to not overwhelm myself. As I was taking small sips of this heavenly red liquid, which I came to realise was blood, he turned to my mother with a very strict tone and said.

The doctor;" I don't know what she is fully but I know for a fact that she's a hybrid of sorts, I can run some tests to find out but that'll take a while, in the mean time you're going to have to help her quench her thirst"

My mother turned to me with a small smile letting me know in that one small that everything was going to be alright, then quickly turned to the doctor and saying,

Isabella; "Don't worry about that, we can handle it and her, we're fully prepared for every possible situation. Also when can she be released."

Once the bag was empty and I was satisfied I tried to catch on to what was being said as it was relating to me therefor I should definatly know what is going to happen to me. Will I get locked up? Now that I think of it are there anymore of my 'kind' about. Are they friendly like me. I tuned back into the conversation to hear the doctor say,

The doctor; "because of Ryan's new form, or should I say forms, she had recovered remarkably fast and I don't see any reason for her to not get discharged before the days out, as I said before I just need to take a few blood samples to run some tests but there's nothing to worryy about, it's merely a means to an end so we can finally know for sure what Ryan truly is and how many forms she could have inside her."

When I heard the news of my impending release I got so excited I nearly jumped the doctor, but my beasts stopped me with there excitement to smell the fresh air without being constricted to such a small space, now they had full rain in my head and there voices have sort of slowly started to merge into a blurry outline of figures, one being on all fours which I'm guessing is my wolf, however I can't seem to make out the fur or the eye colour as it seems to be mainly black and white, and the other is tall figure on two legs which leads me to ask the question,

Ryan; "what is my other form? Besides my wolf, I can see a figure that looks alarmist human, Almost, but not quite I can't see it clearly yet but i can sense it's not fully human, if human at all. And why did I have a thirst for blood?"

Then it clicked, all the pieces seemed to fit together perfectly, how could I have been so stupid? How did I not see this coming! Omg

Ryan; "I'm part vampire, aren't I?"

A/N-; Iyaa guys I'm so sorryy about the long wait for an update, I'm going through a serious writers block and I literally have zero energy some day to even think about writing, but on the plus side I've just started an online uni course. Anyways hope you guys like the chapter, let me know what you think and I'll try  and get another chapter out for you guys soon, again I'm soo soo sorryy.

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