Part 6

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     Next thing I knew I was internally screaming cause Sylvia was kissing me. I jumped back and gagged "WHAT THE HECK Sylvia I broke up with you months ago that was not ok" I yelled my voice sounding a bit shaky. "Aw dal you flustered it's ok it was just a game anyway" Sylvia said slyly winking at me. I walked up to her my hands ablaze but before I could do anything Johnny grabbed my arm and motioned for me to go back to my seat. His head was down so I couldn't see his face but went anyway.

  "Sylvia.... may I speak to you outside for a moment" looking up at her with a dead stare. It was honestly really terrifying she tilted her head and said "of course Johnny, we will be right back guys". "I hope not!!" I yelled as she walked out the back door with Johnny in front of her. "You can't get rid of me that easily dal" she said as the door slammed behind her. 

                                                                                         Johnny's POV

  I slammed the door behind her and we were in a dark alleyway. I couldn't stand the smug face she looked at me with and she... she kissed him that was what made my blood boil. I can't take this anymore between my parents, Sylvia, and the soc's. I'm so tired of this. "What's up johnnycakes, you wanted to talk" she said. "DON'T call me that and don't play dumb you know what's up this was not apart of the deal" I said. "I know I know that was just me having fun and it's not like you have even made your move yet" she said. "Have you completely forgotten the rules of the deal jeez I'll tell you again" 

    "I will work for you and help you cover up whatever sketchy stuff you do and give you info on the gang, while you back off dal and don't tell anyone about what you saw" I said in a low voice in case anyone was near us. "Fine I will back off" she said then she started to circle around me like a shark and said "you really are doing a lot just to cover up your secret Johnny, I mean you even let me mark you and pony with the tattoo". "Why I'm doing this is none of your business besides no one can know my secret they wouldn't understand" 

"Oh and why did you kiss him anyway, don't you have a Gf, Seraphina is her name right?" I said. "it's complicated and shut up some one might hear you" she said. "Oml I'm done with you and you shiftiness let's go inside they are probably getting suspicious, act angry too like we had a fight or something" I said. "Wow you are surprisingly very bossy" and with that we were back everyones eyes staring at us.

                                                                               Dal's POV

     They walked in and Johnny looked distracted and Syl just looked pissed. "Alright alright everyone sit down now that that is settled let's dance" soda said clearly trying to break the ice and lighten the mood. we all walked out on the dance floor and the music was very fast paced so everyone was dancing and having a good time. Then a slow song played and I saw soda grab Steve's hand to dance, Darry and two were dancing, pony and cherry, Syl was talking to some girl at the bar. Johnny was standing awkwardly near me and I looked back at Steve for help.

    He and soda glided over to where I was quite dramatically and "accidentally" pushed me into Johnny. He looked shocked and I said "........ umm wanna dance". Soda yelled from across the room "Smooth very smooth!!" Johnny giggled at that and said "sure I would love to dance snugglekins". "You're really never gonna let that go are you" I said with a smile. "No probably not if we are being honest" he said. After an hour or two of everyone dancing laughing and drinking we were all somewhat drunk and ready to go home.

   The gang agreed that it would be best to all crash at the Curtis' house. While cherry had already gone back to her dad's place and Syl left with that woman. We started to head back, when we got there Darry and two went to his room. Soda and Steve went to soda and pony's room while me, Johnny, and pony sat on the couch and started to watch stupid movies. Halfway through pony said "ughhhhhh with you two I feel like such a third wheel". "stfu horseman" I said throwing  a book at him. We all ended up falling asleep on the couch overall it was a good day.

                                                                    Author's Note

  Hey guys sry for not updating in a while(I will get better at it). Sry for any spelling mistakes but like always if you have any question comments or suggestions just comment them or contact me privately. Oh and before I say bai The outsiders supernatural is 6th in The jally stories catagory idk how long that will last or if it will be the same when you see this but THX SO MUCH  guys I couldn't have done it without y'all but anyway Bai!!! - Dallas the king 

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