Part 1

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                                                       This story Is for the most part in Dally's POV

         "Dang my clothes are burnt AGAIN seriously I mean being a pyro master is cool and all but sometimes I would really like my clothes to stay in tact" Dallas said groggily rubbing his eyes. I stood up and started walking towards the Curtis' house "How the heck am I supposed too explain the burn marks too my parents like hey dad so I can create and control regular fire and blue fire and because of nightmares I keep fricking burning my clothes and I know you don't care and might beat me anyway but oh well" next thing I knew I was there.

         Darry opened the door and said "hey Dal come on in". Johnny went " Dal you're here!!! Soda and Steve are using their powers" and came running to hug me. Next thing I knew Two-Bit popped in and said "that's pretty gay" and I flipped him off. I started to hear yelling in the other room so I went to investigate I saw Steve was wrapped in vines yelling at Soda. Guess they were sparring soda clearly using his plant manipulation Steve trying to use his sound wave control. I said "Soda, Steve knock it off your scaring Johnny and destroying the room". Steve glared at me and said "Well I can't help it I'm trying to knock some sense into him he is still chasing after sandy when everyone knows she is cheating scum".

         "At least she has some common sense and isn't meddlesome like you" soda said as he wrapped around Steve's leg with a vine. Darry bust in the door Two-Bit following close behind Darry quickly split the two up with his telekinesis and demanded an explanation. Soda was quick to begin " so I got a call from sandy and she asked me if I wanted to meet up and I said yeah but then she hung up and hasn't contacted me since I want to go to her house and see her but Steve says I  shouldn't and he has NEVER supported me relationship wise like he hates sandy and hated Taylor, Kathrine, and Bella when I dated them I just want my best friend to support me".

       "I don't support you because all the women you date cheat on you and lie none of them are good enough for you find a decent girl then I'll support you fully" Steve shouted. I raised my eyebrows in surprise and Steve scowled in response. Then He stormed out the house and slammed the door. Two-Bit said "I'm going after him too talk" we all know my mind reading will come in handy bye guys" and with that Two-Bit left. 

     Soda said "I'm going to sandy's I'll be back in a few hours". Just then Pony zoomed in the room snow melting on his shirt, I laughed and said "where were you pony superspeed really is useful huh". "Alaska, heard soda and Steve arguing and I wanted to get some fresh air and thought hmm Alaska would be a nice place to chill out for a while" pony replied. "fair enough" I said leaving the room. Johnny was on the couch and Darry was making somethin in the kitchen. I went to go sit next to Johnny and he said "think they will make up?". "Yeah of course they will but idk if they will make up or make out" I said. Johnny giggled then he sighed softly saying "anyway I got to be going back now you know how they get when I'm out too long". "Yeah" I said, and with that he left. 

   Guess i should be going to I thought so I said my goodbyes to Darry and Pony and took my leave. I was walking back home and saw a shadow of some sort dash around the corner but I did my best to ignore it. I got back home and flopped down on my bed letting out a heavy sigh what a day I thought. Soon my eyelids felt heavy and I drifted off to sleep awaiting the next day. 

                                                                            End of Part 1

                                                                            Author's Note 

   So In case your confused about the story here are some things to clear it up(some of which I haven't mentioned in the story yet) Dally has Pyro master powers which means he can create and manipulate regular fire and blue fire, Johnny is a shapeshifter, Steve can control sound waves, soda can manipulate plants, Darry has telekinesis, Two can read minds, and pony has super speed. There are 3 levels of power level 1 people with only one power belong to this level. Level 2 people with 2 powers. Level 3 people with 3 or more powers. Everyone in the gang is a level 1 (they think). In this au world 5 percent of the population have supernatural abilities. There is a plot to my story and idk when I will update but thx for reading if u have stuck with me so far I am planning to continue to this story hopefully soon. Hope you enjoyed part 1 if you have question's please leave them in the comments, bye!! - Dallas the King 

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