mickey (fight club part 2)

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Lip pov.

Me, ian and fiona are waiting for y/n to get outta surgery.since it was an emergancy the a and e pay for it.

As soon as hes okay we have to split because he needs to give a statement for the fight.

After about 10 minutes we are finally aloud to see him.

"Hey buddy how ya doing?"i ask patting his shoulder.

"G-good"he says tiredly.

"The anastetic should ware of any second.if about 30 miutes the police will be here for a statement"a doctor says checking him over.

He lifts up y/n's shirt to reveal a huge line of stitches along it.

"Holy shit!is he gonna be okay?"ian asks grabbing his hand.

"He should be fine.but will have to come back in 3 months to get the stitches out"he explains writing down something of the board.

"Thanks doc"y/n says coming round.

"Alright the officers will be here shortly now your fully awake"he says walking out.

"Hand me my shoes!now hurry"y/n orders getting up.

I hand him his shoes and hoodie.

He pulls them on and throws on his bloodie shorts from before them wrips of the hospital clothes.

"Fiona you go that way.me and ian will help get y/n past the gaurds.meet at pastys"i inform as we all go our ways.

He limps his way to the bathroom.

"You guys go through front exit and meet at the side door.the window is right beside it"he tells us as he stacks boxes of toilet paper against the wall.

"What!"ian whisper yells.

"Comeon.well good luck"i say as we run through the hospital.

We run straight to the door but slowdown and sneek past the officers who were making there way to y/ns room.

Y/n pov.

Im halfway through the window and i get stuck.

"Mother fucker!"i mumble and try get through.

Im kindof buff so im domed.

"Surprised your alive gallagher"i hear a voice call from the small distance between me and the ground.

"Mickey.old buddy old pal.how you doing?"i ask causlully as uf im not hangin out of a window with cuts all over my face and arms.

"Look.im going to help you.on one comdition"he says as i try wiggle myself out.

"And whats that?"i ask struggling.

"You give me what i ask for when your out."he says putting out his cigarette.

I nod and soon im back on the ground waiting for him to tell me what he wants.

"Do you want the prize money?or booze or -"he cuts me off.

"Kiss me"he says in his south side voice.

"W-what?"i ask blushing.

"Kiss me"he repeats.

I walk forward and shove him agains the wall and give him a deep meaning full kiss.

"What the fuck"i hear my carrot top twin call over to me.

"Hey.i got out.mickey helped me."i say as they walk over.

"Thanks for helping"lip says hugging me.

"Yeah.thanks"ian says throuh gritted teath.

"Hey.you said i get your wages for a week if i beat him.and i beat him.so get ready to pay up"i say hugging him tightly.

"Your lucky i love you"he mumbles

"I supported you with kash even though i did punch him once'(fun day) "so please support me and mickey.even though we dont date"i beg.

"Not yet"mickey cuts in with a smirk.

"Have you seen y/n.he got stitches.if you do that again.all the gallagher sibling are gonna kill you"ian thretens with lip by his side in mickeys face.


( 613 words )

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