Back to work

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Because of our jobs, we were unable to take a honeymoon, but Chris promised that he'd make it up to me eventually. Today, I had just finished my shift and was relaxing in our quarters when he came in, looking extremely serious. I sat up straighter, concern filling my being.

"Tough shift?" I asked.

He nodded, his facial expression not changing.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He walked over, sat beside me and took my hands tightly in his.

"Megan, there's something that's been on my mind for a while and I wanted to talk to you about it."

I nodded and said "You know you can talk to me about anything."

He smiled before continuing "I was wondering if you ever..."

Suddenly, an unknown force rocked the ship. I would have fell to the floor had Chris not grabbed onto me. He immediately rushed out while I put my uniform back on. As soon as that was done, I made my way to the Bridge. As soon as I entered, chaos reigned. We were under attack by a rogue Section 31 ship. I rushed to an unmanned station and began scanning their ship.

"Captain, their starboard shields are extremely weak." I said.

"Understood. Mr. Spock, target their starboard side."

We exchanged phaser fire for a few more moments until their ship was disabled.

"They are hailing us Captain." Spock stated.

"On screen."

The viewscreen crackled to life and a very angry looking Captain appeared.

"I'm Captain Christopher Pike of..."

"The USS Enterprise. I know." He snapped.

"And you are?"

"Captain Moore of the USS Cochrane."

Chris nodded and said "Well Captain Moore, why did you attack us without provocation?"

"Several months ago, you boarded a Section 31 vessel without permission- that's why."

"Which vessel was this?"

"The USS Excelsior."

My heart stopped- Roger was with Section 31 the entire time? How could I not have realised?

"We boarded the ship because Captain Roger Adams abducted and tortured a member of this crew. We had to mount a rescue mission. If we hadn't, she'd be dead right now."

Captain Moore looked furious.

"Captain Adams was found dead. Care to explain that?"

I decided to jump in. Chris wasnt going to take the fall for this.

"I killed him because he tried to kill me."

Captain Moore looked right at me and smiled maliciously.

"Well, well. Megan Adams. I must say, I was disappointed to not have my way with you."

"What?" I asked.

"Roger was meant to deliver you to me. Obviously he couldn't get past his desire for revenge."

"For your information, my name is now Megan Pike, and you don't scare me Captain. Now, you need to go- you attacked a Federation vessel so I suggest you retreat before we have to use extreme measures to subdue you."

"Do your worst."

The transmission suddenly cut out.

"Mr. Spock, do it." Chris said.

Spock sent a barrage of phaser fire to the ship, causing a cascade reaction that disabled his ship. We then immediately jumped to warp. As soon as I knew it was safe, I quickly rushed off the bridge and went back to my quarters. Minutes later, Chris walked in, concern written all over his features.

"Chris." I said quietly.

He immediately walked over and engulfed me in his arms. I held him tightly as he kissed my forehead and stroked the hair from my face.

"You're alright Megan. I'm right here and nothing will get to you again."

"I know." I whispered.

He cupped my face in his hand and gently made me look at him. In his eyes, I saw conflict.

"What is it Chris?" I asked.

"Nothing. It's not the right time to talk about this."

I gripped his forearms and said "Chris, if there's anything I've learned in this job is that nothing is guaranteed. One of us could die tomorrow and I'd rather not have anything unsaid between us- just in case."

He sighed and said "You're right, but..."

"Dammit Chris, just tell me please."

He nodded and said "I wanted to ask you this earlier, but never got the chance. I know we've talked about this, but..."

The only thing I could think of that we'd seriously talked about was kids. We both expressed a want for children, but we'd never found the right time.

"Are you on about having kids?" I asked.

He nodded.

"I feel ready to try for a child. What about you?" I asked.

He smiled and said "I feel ready too."

I smiled and brought our lips together. He immediately kissed me back and pulled me closer to him. Every touch set my body on fire and I wanted more. I brought my hand to his neck and gently moved us back to our bed. I felt the bed hit the back of my legs and I pulled us down. My back hit the mattress and I was forced to break the kiss.

"God I love you." Chris said, caressing my face.

"I love you too."

Chris then placed a hand on my hip and reconnected our lips.


I lay there, my head on Chris shoulder, his arms wrapped tightly round me. I looked up at him and moved the hair that was sticking to his forehead. He smiled at me and tenderly kissed my forehead.

"How did I get so lucky?" he asked.

I smiled and said "I don't know; I was going to ask the same thing."

He smiled at me and pulled me close to him, so I relaxed into his embrace and fell asleep.

Chris POV

I watched as Megan fell asleep in my arms. I never imagined I would be as lucky as I am today. Laying here with her made me feel so peaceful and happy; I never wanted this to end. I gave her one last kiss on her forehead before resting my head on top of hers and falling asleep.

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