I can't lose you

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Chris POV

I felt like my whole world was caving in around me.

"Number One, whats Megan's status?"


"Number One, report!" I snapped.

"She didn't make it out."

"Did you see her? How close was she?" I asked, panicking inside.

"She was around 20 metres away from the exit."

"Get in there now- get her out!" I demanded.

I waited with bated breath along with the rest of the bridge crew. She had to be ok. I hoped she was ok.

"I see her Captain!"

"How is she?" I asked.


I kept my calm demeanour up on the outside, but on the inside- a battle was raging. My heart was hammering and I was worried sick for Megan's safety.

"She's alive. I need an emergency medical transport."

"Understood. Bridge to sick bay, prepare for an emergency transport."

"Aye sir."

"Mr. Spock, take care of it. You have the bridge." I said before going into the turbolift.

"Sick bay."

The turbolift began to move towards my destination. My brain was spinning the entire time, but the one clear thought was my regret at hurting her feelings and pushing her away. I love her so much, but I allowed my judgement to be clouded. If she dies, I'll never be able to live with the guilt. The turbolift stopped, the doors opened and I rushed to sick bay. The door wouldn't open. I pressed the call button.

"Who is it?"

"It's the Captain. Open the door." I demanded.

"Sorry Captain, you can't come in. She's in a critical condition. We'll update you once we know more."

I sighed before heading back to the bridge and co-ordinating the aftermath of the explosion.

---Several hours later---

Walking to sick bay, my heart was racing. I was finally able to see Megan. The medical team had been working on her for hours, fixing her injuries and saving her life. As soon as I entered sickbay and saw her, my heart broke. I walked to her bedside- she was so pale and she had cuts along her arms and on her face, but she was still so beautiful. I took her hand in mine and stayed with her until visiting hours were over. Before I left, I leaned down to her and kissed her forehead.

"I love you Megan. Please be ok- I can't lose you." I whispered in her ear.

Megan POV

I slowly opened my eyes. There was a bright light above me and my whole body was in pain. Was I dead? I decided to look around and noticed I was lying in a sick bay. But not just any sick bay- our sickbay. I was alive. A nurse rushed over to me, relief flooding her features.

"Oh thank god, you're awake." She said.

"How... how long have I been out?" I asked.

"A week. You had severe injuries and we had to induce a coma to give your body time to heal."

I nodded and asked "What happened?"

"What do you remember?" she asked.

I thought for a second before saying "Nothing."

"You tried to escape the facility, but the rubble trapped you."

I let out a shaky breath.

"I must inform the Captain you are awake." She stated.

"No! Please, not yet." I begged.

"Why?" she asked.

"I don't want visitors yet."

"But he must..."

"No, please." I begged.

She nodded and started checking my vitals and my dressings.

"You're healing very well. I'm impressed." She said, smiling.

"Can I be discharged to my quarters then? I really hate sick bays." I asked quickly- trying to avoid the inevitable.

She nodded and said "I'll see what I can do."

A few hours later, I was surprisingly discharged and I made my way to my quarters with instruction to rest. I informed sick bay they could tell Chris where I was when I left. As soon as I got back, I decided to get out of the horrible gown they had me in, so I limped towards my closet and slowly pulled out some pyjamas. Every movement sent shooting pain through my bones and muscles, making me wince. I slowly took off my gown and slipped my lounge pants on. I then carefully lifted the shirt over my head. As I pulled it down, I heard my door open and someone walk in. I looked up and saw Chris standing there, his eyes full of emotion. My heart broke at the sight.

"Chris." I whispered.

I got up and went forward as fast as I could. He met me in the middle and wrapped his arms around me, lifting me off the ground. I began to cry, holding onto him for dear life. I didn't care about the pain; I just wanted to be in his arms. He rubbed soothing circles on my back and whispered comforting words in my ear. He eventually tucked an arm under my knees and carried me to my bed. He lay beside me and allowed me to let out all of my pent up emotions. After a while, I stopped crying and looked up at him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, caressing my face.

I was so confused.

"Tell you what?" I asked.

"About your scars."

I froze. He saw them when he walked in.

"I... I..." I stuttered.

"Was it Roger?" he asked, pain clear on his face.

I stayed still and silent for a few moments, but I eventually nodded and he pulled me into another hug.

"I promise you he will never hurt you again." He whispered, kissing my head.

I pulled back slightly and looked into his eyes. Without thinking, I pressed my lips against his. He immediately kissed back and wrapped his arms tightly around me. I snaked my arms around his neck and ran a hand into his hair, pulling him impossibly closer. He was like a drug- and I had a serious addiction. We eventually had to pull away for air and we simply stared into each others eyes.

"I love you Megan. I know I shouldn't, but dammit you make it impossible. You're smart, confident, beautiful, brave and kind. I fell for you hard and there's nothing anyone can do to change that."

Fresh tears began to fall. Chris gently used his thumb and wiped them away.

"I love you too Chris. I've had feelings for you since I first met you, but I kept them buried. When you kissed me that day, it was like a fire being ignited inside me. Ever since that moment, I wanted to be with you so much more."

"Oh Megan."

And with that, he kissed me again. This time, I could really feel the love and affection he had for me. He was mine and I was his- and I wouldn't have it any other way. We pulled apart and Chris pulled me flush against him.

"I'm staying here tonight." He stated.

I decided to have a little fun with this.

"Are you now?" I asked suggestively.

"Yes. If you think I'm leaving you you've got another thing coming." He said, smiling.

I gave in, smiled and said "Ok you win."

He gave me his classic grin before getting up, taking off his uniform and lying back down beside me. He then moved the covers over us. I shifted into a more comfortable position and fell asleep to the feeling of Chris stroking my hair and the sound of his beating heart.

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