The first sign of trouble

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I've been on the Enterprise for a few months now, and it has been a whirlwind experience. The only downside was that every night, I was plagued by different nightmares- all centred around Roger. After each nightmare, I always went to the observation deck to read, and I often ran into Una and nearly always saw Captain Pike, almost like he was expecting me to show up. I still wasn't ready to open up- this area of my past was still raw in my mind and I was still processing everything. Today I was on the Beta shift. Just before I was due to start, I stepped onto the bridge and took my station.

"Good morning Megan." Una said, smiling at me.

I sat down and replied, "Good morning Una, how are you?"

"I'm good, how are you?"

"I'm doing better, thank you." I said, smiling.

She nodded and said "Good."

The Captain walked over from Spocks station and sat down.


"What have we got Spock?" the Captain asked.

"We are being hailed by the USS Excelsior."

"On screen."

The viewscreen crackled to life and my heart stopped dead. Roger was on the viewscreen- this isn't possible. I hid my tracks so well. I hoped my change in appearance would fool him long enough for us to get away.

"Captain Pike. Good to see you."

"Captain Adams. What can I do for you?"

"I'm hoping you can help me. My wife has been missing for several months and I believe she may be on board your ship. Her name is Megan Adams." He said.

He turned to his screen, tapped a few buttons and looked up.

"She's not on the passenger or crew manifest. I think you have the wrong ship."

He sighed and said, "Thank you for checking Captain."

"It's not a problem. I hope you find her soon."

Roger nodded before cutting off the transmission. I let out a shaky breath I didnt know I had been holding in. The Captain turned to me, concern on his face.

"Are you alright Counsellor?" he asked.

I put on a smile and said "Yes Captain, I'm alright. Now if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment with a crew member."

He nodded and I made a hasty exit via the turbolift. As soon as the doors opened, I rushed to my quarters, locked the door, sunk to the floor and began crying. Why did he have to come back and try to ruin my life again? I was suddenly aware of someone ringing my doorbell.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's me." Una said softly.

I stood up, wiped my eyes and unlocked the door. Una walked in and engulfed me in a hug. I wrapped my arms round her tightly and let the tears fall. I don't know how long we were there, but when we eventually pulled apart, my eyes were puffy, and my cheeks were stained with tears. Una led me to my couch and sat us down.

"I think it's time to talk."

I nodded and said, "He was looking for me."

"What?" she asked.

"I'm Roger's wife. Well I was- I left him months ago."

She looked at me as if she wanted me to continue, so I did- for the first time in a long while.

"Roger was a gentleman at first- always doing everything to make me happy, but then I graduated from Starfleet Academy. He forced me to stay home, wouldn't let me take any assignments with Starfleet and whenever I didn't do something he wanted me to, he'd..."

Una put her hand on mine and nodded encouragingly. I let out a shaky breath and carried on.

"He'd beat me. I'd use stolen medical equipment to fix my injuries, but I still have some scarring and bones that haven't properly healed. One day, he almost killed me. Security found me, but Roger was gone by the time they arrived. They helped me change my appearance and my surname, hid my tracks and here I am now."

Una took both my hands in hers and said, "He's never going to hurt you again- I promise."

I squeezed her hands and said, "Thank you."

"But we can protect you better if the Captain knows."

My eyes went wide, and I shook my head violently.

"I know how hard it was for you to open up to me, but if you want to be safe, he needs to know."

She was right, and I knew she was. I looked at her and nodded. She activated her comm. device.

"Number One to the Captain. I need to have an urgent meeting with you."

"Of course. I'll be in my ready room waiting."

She turned to me, linked my arm in hers and we both made our way to the bridge and walked into the Captains ready room. He looked up, surprised at my presence.

"Number One, what's going on?" he asked.

We sat down in front of the Captain's desk. My heart was pounding out of my chest and I felt like I would throw up, but I knew it had to be done if I was to be truly safe.

"Captain, I've received intelligence that Captain Adams can't be trusted." Una said.

"What do you mean?" the Captain asked.

"He didn't tell you the full story about his wife."

"I'm still confused." He said, his facial expression matching what he was saying.

"I'll let his wife explain then."

He turned to me; shock written on his face. I spent the next half an hour telling my story, leaving out the fact I had scars. When I finished, tears were brimming in my eyes and the Captain had a look of anger and sympathy on his face.

"That bastard." He muttered.

"What can we do?" Una asked.

"Nothing. Back on Earth, nobody could track him down, so how much luck do you think they'll have up here?" I added.

The Captain sighed and said, "I'll send a message to Starfleet Command so they know where he is- make it easier to track him."

"That won't work. I know Roger- he's good at covering his tracks. He'll find me- its only a matter of time."

"But we told him you weren't on board."

I shook my head and said, "He'll figure it out eventually."

"Whatever happens we'll protect you." The Captain said.

I nodded and said "Thank you Captain. It really means a lot."

He smiled and nodded.

Captain Pike POV

After Megan left, I poured a small glass of Saurian brandy and slowly sipped it. She'd been through so much and I couldn't stand the thought of her being hurt anymore. I decided then and there that I would do everything in my power to protect her.

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