Moving forward

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Chris had organised a surprise date for me tonight. All I was told was to be ready for 7pm and to wear something nice. So here I was, sitting in my quarters, finalising my makeup. I was wearing a long red dress with matching heels and I had straightened my hair, so it reached the middle of my back. As soon as I was ready, I made my way to the observation deck. As soon as I entered, I saw Chris standing by a candle lit table. He turned round and stopped dead in his tracks.

"Megan, you look so beautiful." He said softly.

I walked closer to him and said "Thank you."

He closed the gap between us, wrapped his arm around my waist and placed his lips on mine. I placed one hand on the back of his neck and deepened the kiss. We pulled away after a few seconds and he led me to the table. He pulled out my chair and I sat down. For the next 2 hours, we ate, laughed and talked about everything from our childhoods, our academy days to our hopes for the future. I really felt like I got to know Chris on a different level, and it also brought me closer to him.

Once our meal was over, Chris took me by the arm and we walked the halls of the ship, happy to be in each others company. He eventually led me to his quarters. I looked at him with confusion, but he simply smiled and led me inside. I looked around- it really was an incredible space. He had a large King sized bed, a sofa, a large desk and several decorations that I knew were from his childhood home.

"You weren't expecting this, were you?"

I looked at Chris and said "No I wasn't."

He smiled and said "I brought you here for a reason."

My heart skipped slightly.

"The time we've spent together has been the most fulfilling time in my entire life. You've made me so happy and I never want this to end."

He cupped my cheek with his hand and gently stroked it.

"So, I'm asking you- will you move in with me?" he asked.

I was so shocked. It hadn't been long since we started dating, but I felt like this was right.

"Of course I will." I replied, smiling.

Chris wrapped both arms tightly round my waist, lifted me off the ground and spun me round. I laughed as I wrapped my arms round him and rested my head on his shoulder. He eventually put me down, but kept the tight grip on me.

"I love you so much. You know that right?" he asked.

I nodded and said "Of course I do, and I love you too."

Chris leaned down and placed his lips on mine. I immediately kissed back, pulling myself tight against him. He responded by wrapping his arms tighter around my waist, pulling me impossibly closer. We stayed like this for a while until we had to pull apart for air. I carefully detached myself from his grip and walked into the bathroom. Just as I was about to take my dress off, Chris walked in, a pile of clothes in his hand.

"Here you go." He said, handing them to me.

"Thank you."

And with that, he walked out, giving me some privacy. I quickly got out of my dress and shoes and pulled on the t-shirt and sweatpants I was given. I then walked out and saw Chris sitting in bed, reading a book- not a book on a PADD, a physical book. I smiled and walked over.

"I see my way of reading is rubbing off on you."

He looked up at me and said "Maybe."

I laughed as I sat down and looked at what he was reading.

"The Hunger Games? Didn't take you for a fantasy novel lover- especially one that's centuries old."

He looked at me and replied "I thought I'd try something new. It's actually pretty good."

I leaned on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm round me. We both continued to read the book until I began to nod off. Chris closed the book and placed it on his nightstand while I got under the covers. As soon as I was comfortable, Chris lay next to me, wrapped an arm tightly round my waist and lightly traced one of my scars on my stomach. I shuffled closer to him and snuggled into his embrace.

"Goodnight Megan. I love you." He whispered, kissing my temple.

"I love you too."

And with that, we both fell asleep in each others arms.

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