" I was too naive and over-reactive at that time. I was fighting against destiny imposing myself on him which was useless. I am glad that later but eventually I realized my stupidity and accepted Farhan. And believe me, I am very happy. " she smiled at her then glanced towards Farhan who heartily laughed at something Dawood had said.

" I am so happy for you. All is well when the end is well. " she politely smiled at her and Wardah give a reassuring squeeze to her hand. Wardah and Farhan's nikah was done only Rukhsati was remaining.

" I am glad she changed her mind, " When they left Dawood whispered to her. She saw genuine satisfaction on his face. He had told her that if he loses her he will lose a part of her childhood too. She was pleased that everything between them settled at last.

" Alhumdulillah, for a second when I saw her coming towards us my breath got stuck in my throat. " she huffed at which Dawood laughed richly.

" Really! I never knew you were scared of her," he said between a laugh at which she glared at him.

" I wasn't afraid I was cautious. The guests are here to attend our wedding, not to enjoy wrestling," she said in an obvious manner. He was amused by her remark.

" But maybe you have given them the taste of both in one. " he wiggled his brow suggestively.

" Still I can entertain them but the opponent will be different," she said and innocently batted her lashes at him which was quite suspicious.

" Who? " even though he knew the answer he cautiously asked her.

" You, " she said without any hesitation. He grinned evilly.

" That will be on-air as breaking news,' Bride and groom wrestled on their wedding stage' " he said while imagining the scenario in his head she giggled.

" if someone heard our conversation they will announce us insane. " they laughed at her comment. Life seems much more beautiful if you have an understanding companion by your side and they had found each other for themselves.

They had entirely different personalities from one another as destiny has chosen two poles apart identities for one another but there was a similarity in them even after being poles apart from they stayed loyal. They weren't in love but they respected their relationship proving that loyalty and respect are essential than love.

No power can stop two souls from falling in love. It has been told that everybody has a soulmate because Allah has created us in pair. There are many married couples who aren't in love with each other and they are compromising in their relationship, you know why is that? Because they are not bound with their soulmates. Their soul can't form a proper connection, when the connection misfits, it sparks, it resists, it repels and at last, Boom! There is a short-circuit.
At every blink, at every glimpse, you will fall deeper and deeper in love with your soulmate cause you are obliged to fall in love with a part of you, without realizing you will be soaked in love and you will cherish it forever.


Alizey's PoV

I am feeling like the luckiest girl in the entire universe. I am all giddy and joyous from head to toe. I am in the halo of pleasure. Everything sense so magical and sentimental. I miss Baba, I saw mama talking to his photo frame last night when I went to her room. I want to assume how he would have reacted on this day when his Jasmine was going to leave him. A lone tear escaped from my eyes which I didn't wipe. I miss you so much Baba, every time, every breath. You are a major missing piece of my life and no one can fill that hollow.
There was a knock on the door so I adjusted myself properly in the middle of the bed. The room was elegantly decorated with flowers and the most touchy part was there was a bowl of water with Jasmines in it like we use to have in our house. The fragrance of my henna and Jasmine give the atmosphere a romantic touch which was quite captivating.

JASMINE ✔️ (Unedited Version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora