Ch : 3

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She was on her roof walking slowly with her crowded mind. There was chain of thoughts running in her head, disturbing the hell out of her , she was confused and distressed. Everything was playing Ring Around the Roses in her head . There were so many Questions but no suitable answer . In this instance the call for Esha prayer begin she set on the swing and rested her head on it's bar while closing her eyes , taking in every word of the Azan, an undefinable peace embraced her. The word of muizzen enveloped her in serenity. Cool breeze mingled around her and there was a powerful vibration in air which send shiver down her spine. Her heart rate increased. She felt alive and as light as feather. It was like meditation. Yoga. Something very spritual and soulful.

الله اكبر
God is The Greatest

اشهد ان لا اله الا الله
I bear witness that there is no lord except God

اشهد ان محمدا رسول الله
I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God

حي على الصلاة
Make haste towards prayer

حي على الفلاح
Make haste towards welfare [success]

الله اكبر
God is The Greates

لا اله الا الله
There is no lord except God

The call ended after easing up her heart she was now much better than before. Why she had not noticed this before? She had been living in this country for almost thirteen years. Why everything feels so new and clear to her? Has something changed in her or was changing? It was like someone had given her a new sight of this world, a new angle to have a better look. She was miserable yet calmed because when you are doing something right, your mind and heart feel at ease.
She climbed down the stairs in to her house with a calm look and beautiful smile on her lips .


Alizey's PoV

It was dark all around. I was running as fast as I can but the tunnel was getting longer and longer at my every step , having no end . I stopped which seem to be in the middle of the tunnel but then suddenly bright light emitted from the other end which I was facing and it got brighter and brighter taking over my fear of darkness , giving me hope and soothing my soul I started taking slow steps towards it and came to it's end , the light got brighter I tried to look but before I can figure out what's in front of me............. I woke up.

"Ah... What The Hell !" I groaned in frustration while sitting up in bed. I rubbed my eyes to have a better view of my surrounding. It was dark and cool just like a tunnel. I switched on my bedside lamp suddenly feeling the darkest crippling over my skin.

This was second time I had seen this dream in last few days but it doesn't come to an end. I am already feeling miserable these days and with these senseless dream... Ah! Mumbling under my breath I get down from bed and walk towards the washroom . I splash water on my face and wet the back of my neck to feel better. I walk out of my room to grab a bottle of cold water .
After drinking water I checked the wall clock hanging on the wall of kitchen it tells 3:17 in the morning I instantly feel happy because I have more time to sleep . I put the bottle again in the fridge and walk out of the kitchen towards my bedroom but my foot stuck on it's spot when I heard slow mumbling from the study. I tip toe towards thw study trying not to give any sign of my presence and reached to it's door which was slightly ajar l peeked in but what I saw inside felt like there is no land under my feet and the roof had fallen on me.............


Ayesha PoV

It was 3:00 in the morning but sleep was far away from my eyes. I planned to recite few verses of Quran so I took It out of the book shelf which was standing at the corner of my room.
It is filled with many novels with my favorite genres and some encyclopedias. I give a thorough look at my lovely babies aka my books . I don't know why whenever I see them instant pleasure take over me and each and everyone of them take me back to the time when I had read them. Caressing them with me fingers i sighed with twinkling eyes. I walked towards the couch and sat on it and place a cushion on my lap then opened the Quran from where I had left last time.
I was reciting Surah Ankaboot,
Each and every word was easing my soul . While this therapy an verse gain all my attention , the verse number 69,

"And those who strive for us will surely guide them to Our way . And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good "

My concentration was immediately shifted towards Alizey , my beloved cousin , my sister , my best friend. This verse fits perfectly on her situation . She was indeed trying to find light , the straight path , Sirat ul Mustaqeem .

"May Allah Grant her peace and make situations easy for her " I prayed wholeheartedly while getting up from my couch and putting the Quran back in the shelf and walk towards my bed.
I never knew my prayers will be answered so soon.

After laying on my bed my thoughts were still wandering around Alizey , she seemed off these days . Always in her own world, thinking, thinking and thinking .
People don't use their brains and she is using it unnecessarily, I hope this analysis give her a good result .
At such a young age she had suffered a lot I don't want her to suffer more . We are now eighteen, I am a month elder than her . When she came from England we were 4 at first I didn't like her cause she was that 'Baba's princess ' type girl which annoyed me but as the time pass we started knowing each other and all my misconception were cleared. Day by Day our bond got stronger and we got closed to each other. Alina was only two years old when she came so she was always treated as a baby up till now . In an year they settled in Karachi but then everything changed when uncle visited Khyber Pakhtunkwa after Nana Jan's call. There lived our grandparents , elder Uncle Younus his wife , childrens and almost all the relatives.
When She was only six Uncle Yousuf died . It was a sudden death which brought massive change in our life .
At that day I came to know the meaning of up side down, our life was perfect example of it .
After listening to this horrible news my Aunt got fainted , Ami and baba immediately took her to the hospital in emergency. She had nervous breakdown because of that she lost her baby boy , she was six months pregnant . It was great loss two lifes at a time that's why she turned vulnerable. We took her at our place. She use to scream and cry in her sleep. She was not in condition to take care of her daughters .
Gradually they... we recovered from those mournful days , by supporting and helping each other .
Alizey turned silent. If was the first effect Uncle death had on her. It seemed like her playfulness, joy, her lively spark had buried with her father. Now a more mature and serious Alizey was born which I didn't like at all. I liked old Alizey , the one who joked, the one who laugh carelessly, the one who fight with me , the one who once had trimmed my hair because of that I had to bald my head. Well, that was painful!
But as the time pass we get over it and return back to our lifes. Soon Alizey also got out of her trauma and started acting normally. But nothing can't be same as before, everyone had lost a part with him. Now, Alizey's personality carries a sense of leadership because she was the elder daughter and has to take care of her family, this made her responsible at a very young age. Alhumdulillah she was getting better and back to life.

" Please Allah make everything easy for her " I prayed again and close my eyes.

It hurts when one really close to your heart is in pain and you can't do much!

But we should trust in Him He is the one who had created all these hardships so He must have created solutions to it .

Just Trust In Him and let sail your boat!


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