Ch : 24

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After every hardship is eased!

The sky was clear and seemed so high, at infinity.
The eternal blue sheet spread over her head with soft cotton blending with its beauty.

She raised her hand, reaching out to touch the sky, to grab cotton clouds and blow them in air. Creating a fog around her. She didn't want mist clouding her vision, she wants the moisture to tickle her skin, to make her giggle, to fill her with contentment.

Her features were solace, her eyes shining brighter than ever.
An eagle flew from the tree in front of their home. It spreads its wings and flapped. It rounded around their home. She twirled around with every moment of eagle, capturing it's every angle in her memory. Air carried the eagle higher and higher. She felt herself in the eagle's flight. She feels as light as feathers.
Her gaze was fixed on the eagle. It makes a turn and flies farther and farther upward trying to touch the sky, trying to play with clouds, like it had heard her wish.
She smiled when the eagle seems like part of the vast, immortal sky. Floating in the air as it owns it.

She realized indeed after every hardship is ease only you need to spread your wings and flap until your all pain floats with the symphony of air.

Where the pain no longer matters. She realized our peace of mind is always within us, not in anything or anyone. She realized that crisis and issues are mortal and one day when we want to fly high we have to drop the burden off our shoulders to have freedom of serenity, to fly high, to be the part of the clear sky.


Alina's PoV

I have never been an expressive girl when it comes to telling about your miseries to anyone. I always hide them from the world because of the fear of judgment, because of people's point of view regarding me, because I think I don't trust anyone this much that I will put my heart out in front of them cause I think the problem will be settled but that period of life will always be imprinted in their brain and I don't want my issues to be my identity.

So I figured a substitute to protect my self-centered personality when it comes to expressing myself. I use to write a letter to that person cussing or complaining literally letting out everything on that manuscript, then I go to a high place, like the roof of our home. I tear my letter into pieces then throw them down the roof. The torn script spread around, falling slowly in a rhythm, pulled by gravity, lower and lower beneath me. I watch them until they touch the ground worthless. I assume that my words are dancing in the air and will be carried to that person miraculously. They will know I am hurt, they hurt me or I need them. Most of the time it lessens my depression cause I had delivered my sorrow to Mother nature to handle it her way. My heart feels light, most of the burden dropped down in the form of torn papers.

The last week had been one hell of a week, so tense and stressful. I was usually on the edge that something bad will happen and everything will be ruined. Rayan will hurt my family and I will live in guilt rest of my life because it's all happening because of me, God knows how everything went so smoothly.

Mr. Ahmed had promised me that he will fight for me not just fight, he will win the case by hook or crook. He said he saw his sister Sharmeen in me. I have gone through the same pain but I think he was worst. He said I should call him Ahmed Bhai because he found her little sister in my form. Honestly, he had been a blessing of God in this whole scenario.

Dawood Bhai, he had been stressed out since the incident happened. Working day and night for my sake. He made a great place in my heart. I am so happy for Alizey, she is lucky to have a soulmate so considerate as him. I didn't have a good viewpoint regarding him. I thought of him as a selfish person, who had tangled my sister in an unrevealed relationship and he will never come to espouse and live happily ever after with her, just to take his revenge for imposing her on him in such a young age but he proved me wrong. He is here for us, for me, for her.

JASMINE ✔️ (Unedited Version)Where stories live. Discover now