CH : 19

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She was sitting on the swing placed in her home-garden . It is swinging slowly with the rhythm of wind , her eyes are closed , embracing the morning glory , warmth of sun , fresh and sweet scent of breeze and the flowers around her and chirping of birds .

Wow ! What a good morning !  she thought

Ah ! What a broken girl ! The morning whispered.

Now as her brain settled down and regain it's ability to think , all the scenarios start making sense . She was thinking about what they can do to put that culprit behind the bars his actual place.

She had called Yusra Aunty and told the reason behind her absence . She was beyond shocked and promised to come to them as soon as she leaves school . Today was Alina's gap between her exam so she doesn't have to go to school today but what about day after tomorrow ? She has her last paper that day . Will she take it ? Most probably not but maybe yes , she will .

Gush of air played with her dupatta flapping it over her head and she exhaled deeply swinging herself breaking her rhythm with slow morning breeze.


Alizey's PoV

'Dingggggg ' The bell rang acting as a speed breaker on my car of thoughts . Mohsin uncle went to open the door. 

' Who would be here in this early morning ? ' I thought getting down from the swing .

Zareen steps in followed by Hadi bhai .. When her eyes laid on me she fast walked towards me and embraced me into most comforting and sisterly hug . After gaining my composure I hugged her back . It was like the valves which were blocked are cleared and all the salty water start pouring out of my eyes like a waterfall .

She pats my back and caress my head but never stop me from crying . She wants me to drain it all out of my head , from my body once and this is really helping .

I feel contented . How much it means when your friend is there by your side when you need them , the most . Crying with you and simultaneously wiping your tears . If you have these sort of friends then you are heavenly blessed .

" Asalam o alikum , lizey  " she said still holding me to herself .

" Walikum Asalam , Reeno " I sniff .

" Allah will help us , He will guide us the way towards justice . " She said assuredly holding me by my shoulders .

" In Sha Allah , I have faith in Him . " I said smiling at her with red nose , red teary eyes and broken heart . 

Then my concentration diverted towards the man standing behind her smiling at me sadly . My brother from another mother . I can't tell how much I am grateful to Allah for making him part of my life. The way he trys to protect me from the world and be always there whenever we need him . He is the best brother I never had.

Some people so effortlessly make there place in our heart that we don't even know and they become our.

If he is really serious about Ayesha well , as I had observed he is then she is one of the luckiest girl on this unverse .

Human eyes are gates towards their soul. I have seen the way he looks at her like she is the most beautiful woman . The look of pure adoration and love . This guy is head over heels for my dearest Aish and I am extremely happy for them .

I give him a small smile . He greets me with Salam , I greet him back.

We all sat on the plastic chairs placed in the middle of our lawn .

" How are you , Lizey ? " he asked
Concernly , brotherly .

" Fine . " just a word , just a lie.

" How is Alina ? " he asks.

JASMINE ✔️ (Unedited Version)Where stories live. Discover now