Disappearing Act

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Before Liam could respond to the white-haired boy, Max cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention.

" Can we get on with the tour, I don't feel like getting in trouble our first day here," Eric stated, changing the awkward mood.

" Right, let's start with your guys' classes, why don't we start youngest and work our way up, and we'll most likely have a few overlapping teachers, the perks of living in a small town I guess," Liam rambled, receiving the approval of the three boys. " So, who is the youngest?"

Jackson raised his hand slightly, allowing Liam to take his schedule from his hand. "Let's see your first is," searching the paper for a second before he blinked several times, staring at the paper. " Are you sure you got the right class information because if you did you're taking classes that only the seniors take, and it says you are only in a junior," getting a slight nod, from the younger boy, Liam continued. " Okay, so British Lit. Is down this hall, you'll have all language classes down this hall," pointing his thumb down the long corridor, brightly lit by the lights above them, doors to classrooms and a closet lined part of the wall, lockers filling the spaces between the doors. Intertwined black and white tiles almost sparkled under the lights.

Starting to walk down the hall as the bell rang. A girl with curly blonde hair, brown nearly black eyes, a white t-shirt with " Chaos Coordinator" in black print on the front, a pair of black skinny jeans being held up with a black belt, and a pair of brown fuzzy boots walked over to the four boys.

"Hey, Liam, what are you doing down this hall? You don't have a language class until later," She spoke, her voice could put an angry bear to sleep if she tried.

" Showing some people around," He replied, pointing to the three boys behind him. Looking past Liam, the girl saw the twins and Jackson.

" Oh, hi, I'm Marah, Liam's best friend," holding a hand out for the boys to shake. Eric is the first to take her hand, he introduced himself.

" I'm Eric, it's a pleasure to meet you," shaking her hand lightly, then letting go. Max being next to take her hand.

" Max," was all he said before releasing her hand.

" And you are?" Marah questioned Jackson, holding her hand out for him to take, to which he did, yet said nothing.

" Don't take it personally, he doesn't talk to anyone, he's mute," Eric filled in the blank for her. " Anyway this is Jackson," he finished with an arm around the younger's neck, slightly weighing him down, causing him to lightly slouch. Giving Marah a little wave, Jackson shrugged Eric's muscular arm off. Eric rose his hands to the same height as his shoulders in his defense.

" You guys should get going the bell is going to ring in less than a minute," The American literature teacher, Mr. Hunt, told the group of five.

" Oh crap, thanks, Mr.Hunt, I always knew that you were one of my favorite teachers," Marah spoke, her beautiful blond hair with blue tips flying in the air as she ran down the hall, trying to reach her class on time.

By lunchtime, they finish the tour of the school, which honestly surprised the three boys considering Liam kept getting stopped by friends or teammates.

" Isn't he quite popular," Max spoke to his twin almost in discuss, completely ignoring the white-haired boy that sat right in front of him. It's true Max wasn't the type to be friends or even fall for a popular person because of his past with them.

" Yeah, but he seems nice," Eric said, looking on the bright side of their situation. " Plus, knowing mom's work, she'll be transferred again in a few months anyway," yeah, this wasn't their first move, they tend to move at least almost every six months and every time their mother would say this time is going to be different. To the twin boys, it feels like it will never change. Jackson, on the other hand, didn't mind moving, he has always liked the change in pace. Poking his food with a fork, Jackson listened silently to the conversation the twins were having, that was until the chair next to him was pulled out and sat in by a specific chocolate brown-haired boy.

" Hey, sorry for earlier," rubbing the back of his head in slight embarrassment as he glanced between the twins. Starting to look at the chair where the smaller white-haired boy sat next to him, only to find it empty. " Where did he go," Liam questioned the twins in hopes of an answer but got nothing as they both shrugged.

" He disappears a lot actually he's not big on noise," Eric continued to shrug, giving no information on Jackson's whereabouts. What he said was only partly true though, the white hair boy does disappear without a trace if you're not keeping an eye on him, but it isn't always because of the noise.

Hi, again, I just want to say that if you see any mistakes point them out in the comments. Please and thank you.

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