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"You are married?" Ruban growls.

I see that the big man with a beard cowers away. Oscar looks at him with a slight fear. I glare up at Oscar with tears blurring my vision.

"I want a divorce." Ruban scoffs.

"No, I- I won't let you."

"You made that choice when you brought a fat assed bear into our home. Oh, my mistake MY home."

I growl as I jump down silently and start stalking towards him. He stands tall.

"She came onto me-"

"How long have you been sleeping with that in our bed!?"

The big guy releases Oscar, my eyes stay on him. I am ready to tear him apart.

"That once-"


He roars and tears through his clothes and shifts into a big ass bull. I feel my Panther roaring inside almost clawing to kill him. I surge forward, starting to remove my robe.

Hands interlock on my gut. I feel my cat calm down and purr a little. I look up to see Ruban, he stares at Oscar.

"We expect the papers by mail signed and ready to turn in." Oscar let's out a huff and starts lowering his head. "You attack in my home you die."

Oscar roars and charges, this time Ruban senses the danger. He tosses me up on the table. I land on my feet as he grips the huge horns. He hasn't even shifted. He pushes the bull back and throws him to the door. The door cracks and splinters out like a firework.

Ruban fixes the sleeves on his shirt. He turns to the burly man.

"Make sure he sees the pit, let everyone know cow is on the menu tonight."

The burly man nods and walks through the splintered door. I hopped down to the floor to lean on the table watching the bull being attacked by wolves.

Ruban walks up to me and meets my eyes. He steps back and bows. I pull back my head repulsed and confused.

"I apologize for insinuating you were cheating on your significant other. I apologize for thinking horrible things about you."

"It's not cheating if we aren't together."

He raises his head.

"We aren't together?"

His brow rises with humor. I cross my arms.

"Get up you are making me uncomfortable."

He stands and pulls me closer to him.

"I thought you were getting dressed." He stabbed.

"Well I was just making sure I didn't have to you know, forcibly shift. AGAIN."

He scoffs and walks me through the splintered door. He passes the staircase full of howling dogs and angry roars of a bull.

"I guess you could say this morning is full of bull shit."

He walks and I look up at him.

"Was that a pun."

He just smiles a little. I roll my eyes, as we walk a few of the others in the hall glance up to my eyes glare and continue past.

I squeeze Ruban's forearm. He stops and looks down at me. I let go of his arm.


He walks on and I walk after him. The hallways seem longer than before. He opens a door and waits for me to walk past. I walk past him and I stare at the blankets on the floor. My cheeks redden with the thought of how he seen my nude body. More than once now.

He comes up behind me, close, he is very close. It is so quiet. He walks around me and motions to another gown on the bed. It was silk and blue. This one crosses over the neck.

I turn to him.

"I really appreciate the clothes you have here, but don't you have pants?"

I shrug and he sighs.

"We do not have an assortment of clothes right now."

I scoff and grab the undies from the bed and slide them on. I walk to his closet.

"What are you doing?"

"Stuff." I pull out a pair of his suit pants and a white button up shirt. I look at a thin belt and toss it to the bed. I slide on the pants. Though they provided no shape to the butt, they were comfy. I belted them up and then looked back at him, he stood still observing.

I turn my back to him and slide my arms into the shirt. I button the top and tired off the bottom into a small knot. I turn to him as I turn my hair into a bun.

"Are you comfortable?"

"I wish you had more butt space in these pants."

A small grin touches his lips.

"If you are comfortable then that is all that matters."

I smile a little then remember how I hate what is going on. My smile slowly fades.

"You do know I will not be staying here."

"I do not think you have a choice."

"I do have a choice. This is my life, though my panther may like you, doesn't mean you own us."

"I think that is what it means."

He walks around the bed, I start stepping back.


"No." He walks around fast as I bolt for the door. He grabs my shoulders and pushes me to the wall.

"I can never mate with another. I have chosen you. You can whine, cry, scratch and bite all you want. It will not change the fact that you are now my liability, and I am a liability to you as well."

"I could kill you."

"You could try, but your panther would fight you at every step. Just like how my wolf forbid the others to tear you apart that day in the woods. I would have let them."

"We seem to be at an impass."

"It seems we are."

I stare up at him moving closer, then I push him away. I sit on the bed, he opens the door.

"I will see you for dinner."

He closes the door behind him. Dinner, that's right. They are cooking my Ex husband. I look up to meet my own golden eyes. How long can I fight until I soon give in?

I slide to the floor and let out all of the tears from Oscar. The tears are for him, and from him. After all his last moments were to come see me.

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