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I roar out and crawl back. Ruben stands up and puts his back to me. I look around the room.

"You cannot be mated to a Panthera!"

"This is outrageous, yet impossible. The DNA corresponds with the soul connection."

The men covered in white cloth felt threatening. I crawl on the sides of the wall with my back legs. My tail flicking randomly.

"We are both from Romania, our families were rivals. She is my mate and no one in this territory will allow you to take her away."

Silence falls upon the council.

"We shall vote on the verdict of the royalty." The white clothed faced men all nod. "All in vote of allowing this marriage of the Panthera and Lycanthrobe say Aye."

A lot of people respond with aye.

"All opposed."

There was some opposition.

"The verdict is clear, you will be allowed to stay together. We do not all agree on this matter. We will check in again shortly."

"This is not correct, two different Prodigiums should not be allowed to mate!"

"We voted." There is an arguement. There is a roar as a cheetah takes form, a large one. I roar at it and it give me a snarl.

It charges for Ruban but I jump on top of him before it can touch him. The cat squirms beneath me and slinks out so it is on top tearing at my neck. I roar and then feel the heat around me. The cheetah is pinned under a huge charcoal wolf that appears to be on fire. I force myself away from the fire as the wolf tears the cheetah apart.

The council is finally able to separate the two of them. I feel myself calming down. I rush to the drapes as the council speaks to the Wolf. The council leaves through the door like water in a toilet bowl. The wolf turns to me as I sit covered in the fallen drapes. The wolf trots around the seemingly untouched table and sits down next to me.

The wolf lays in front of me. I reach out and stroke his head. A few people walk in with some robes. He growls and they bow and go through the door they walk in from.

I look to the wolf whose eyes are dark again, showing that Ruban was back and his animal instincts to protect were gone.

"Close your eyes."

He lays his head on his paws staring at me.

"Don't be that way! Close your eyes."

He shuts his eyes and I use my stealth and speed to put on another gray robe. I turn around to meet the bare chest of Ruban. I stare at his eyes as he puts on his robe. He ties it in the front and continues to stare.

"You weren't supposed to look."

"I can not protect you if I have my eyes closed."

"I didn't need your help. This is all your fault."

"You should have compiled."

"They attacked me!"

"They went for me, you just intervened. I was more impressed on how well you were fighting with a council member."

I snarl. "You put me in harm's way. What kind of man are you?"

"You weren't in any harm."

I am about you speak to him about the scratches on my skin, but that would only mean naked sleeping. And I can not do that again.

"Come, you should rest."

"Are you going to force me to eat and then sleep? Is this what goes on?"

"You need rest, you are still wounded. Now you will do as I say or I-"

He closes his eyes and locks his jaw. I snort and watch him. He was going to threaten me into sex. Pathetic.

"What is there something wrong?" I open up my rob a little and push my bare breasts to his chest. "What? Can you not control your emotions? Your wants? Maybe you should go to the vet." I hiss the last part.

He opens his eyes and glares at me. He pushes me back and walks to the dining room door.

"Get dressed and stay inside."

"You can't-"

The door slams rattling the tray of cake on the table. I sigh and sit back down at the table. The huge curtain laid on the ground. I get up and walk to the kitchen door. The chefs look at me.

"Hey do you guys have a ladder? By chance?"

Someone points to the closet. In the kitchen. I nod gratefully. I take the ladder out of the kitchen and walk it to the dining area. I bump the table with the ladder and freeze looking around. Nobody saw. I set up the ladder and grab the curtain. It is heavy but not enough to make it un-doable.

I latch the rings on the hooks. I have to rearrange them a lot from the amount of times I hook the wrong one. I continue to latch them up. The Aunts walk in to eat some cake and to laugh about something they share amongst themselves.


I look back at Aunt Candy.

"You might want to get down. I smell bear, and Alpha walking over."

I sigh and this feeling of fear and anger boil in my chest. Not even my emotions. What is going on? I feel the one person getting closer. I hook the last one up when the doors open. I look back and my heart sinks. The man who told me off a couple of days ago stands with Ruban. Ruban has his arms crossed and a snarl on his face. My blood went still. The burly man was holding another man in his grip. A man I loved once. A man that thought he could get away with anything when I was away. Oscar.

"What are you doing?"

"Fixing the drapes."

Ruban motions me down. I shake my head moving to the top of the ladder and sitting on the top.

"Do you care to explain?"

"Explain what?"


Ruban holds up the ringed hand of Oscar. I look to my left hand where and invisible ring of regret hangs.

Chosen by the MoonlightNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ