}Want To Know?{

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The cake glistens from the light streaming in through the windows. I cut myself a piece and moan in delight.

"In a Lycan pack. We know each other from smell, presence, and power. You are mated with me. You will have my level of power. Your presence will be hard for others to notice-"

"But not you?" I ask cheeks full of strawberry.

His dark eyes seem to glisten with childlike joy.

"No, I will be able to hear your soul. Your Prodigium. I can hear you in my thoughts. I can smell you."

"That's so unfair." I complain slouching back in my chair.

"You could have these abilities if you allow me in your head."

I raise my brow.

"I'll pass. So I can go into your head?"

"If I allow you to."

"Allow me to." I lean forward.

"No." He turns back to his paper.

I turn to the staff in the room they collect our plates and leave. They leave the cake on my request. I stand up from my chair, Ruban ignored me.

"What else can I do to you?" He sighs reading the paper.

"You can tap into any power I have. If you hurt me, it will hurt you too. You can have say over things I do-"

"What about you to me?"

He raises a brow and looks over at me. I lock my jaw.

"About the same thing. You look concerned."

"What can you do to me physically?"

He opens his mouth to say something but closes his mouth turning his attention to his paper.

"I need answers Dusan, I do not know your world."

"What do I do to you? How about you tell me."

I squint my eyes and stand up from the table.

"This is dumb."

"Shouldn't have asked."

"You are a stranger!" I point at his face, he smacks my hand away. His dark eyes meet mine as he rises up.

"You think I am not furious? I am a very busy man. I have a very important role to play in this world, that you know nothing about. You changed my world Verena, you may find this miserable- but I don't think of it as a field trip either!"

"At least you are among your own kind! Damn dogs are everywhere trying to smell me! I just want to know what the hell if going on!"

"Fine you want to know?" He steps closer growling at me.

"Yeah I do!" I shout in his face, he snarls and grips my wrist with one of his huge hands. He pulls me close and pushes my lips to his.

I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. He pulled my legs up and propped me up onto the table. My inner kitty chirped and purred. I could hear his wolf. I could hear it howling and yipping. His wolf.

I shove him back and slide off of the table. He closed his eyes and clenches his fists. My inner kitty roared in anger at my actions. I had to cross my arms over my chest to keep me away. It is easier for a female to step back. It is difficult for a male to step back, especially a wolf.

He slowed his breathing and slowly unclenched his fists. He opened his eyes. They were dark, darker than they usually were.

"I apologize for the outburst."

"Yeah." I say in a whisper.

"I," he stops as if he isn't sure about what he is about to say, "truly am sorry."

I sit down in my chair and stare at the cake. He copied my actions but bowed his head and covered his forehead with his hands.

"You make me want to pounce on you, not just in a playful way. I want to hold you and touch you. I want to calm you and comfort you. This is not normal. Especiallyfor my kind."

He is quiet. I shut my mouth, maybe I have spoken too soon. Maybe I shouldn't have-

"I want you. I want to feel you everywhere. I want you to be there when I come home. I want you to birth my children. I want you in ways I have never wanted before."

I look up to meet his eyes.

"I do not know you. If I had known you or trusted you-" What would I do if I knew him?- "but I don't."

"Isn't it fun to be against your Prodigium."

"Like gum on a shoe."

I smile a little, still mortified at my lack of self control.

"Speaking of said shoes." He looks at my feet. I open my mouth and he holds his hand up. "No one will be able to tell, as long as you don't wrap your legs around them."

"You did that-" he side glanced at me, I shut my mouth.

This is not what I wanted, I am stronger than this. I sit up straight and lock my jaw.

"I will find a way to make this stop."

"Oh? You are going to stop a soul connection, tell me how."

"I will figure it out."

I growl again as older men walk into the dining room. They walk in quietly.

"Is this your Lycaness?"

"Ly-" I start, Ruben holds his hand up to me, my tongue is still.

"Yes and no."

"We do not like vauge answers."

"Samantha, please show them." My tongue seems to unlock.

"Show them what?"

"A Russian?"


"Verena!" The way it rolled off of his tongue sent chills down my spine. "Prodigium, I call you forth-"

"Stop it." I felt my Panther coming to life immediately.

"Reveal your true state. I command you as your Alpha."

I roar out to him as I can see the reflecting of my eyes in his. His eyes seemed apologetic. My bones shifted and popped as my Panther took form. Tearing off the new clothes I had. I roar out wildly. The older gentlemen take a few steps back. Ruben stood next to me still. I looked him in the eye like this. I growl at him and everyone else in the room.

"A Romanian Panther," their faces were shrouded with white cloth, "princess Verena?"

I pinned my ears back and moved back away from these old men. Their forms showing up like white smoke above their heads. Ruben held his hands up to me in a calming motion. I hiss at him.

"Verena, stop. It is okay," he kneels down slowly and this calms me down. I slink up to the kneeling man, "it is me. It is all okay."

I walk up to him and start purring as I rub my head against his chest. Then an old man stepped too close.

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