Chapter 15

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The very next day Camila put her plan into action. Her work day was shortened quite considerably leaving her to spend more time with her child and she no longer came home on her work breaks. Instead of working from nine to six, she now worked from nine two three. Sure it was still a pretty long day, especially when she had a child at home that she knew needed her but it was so much better than the former.

But thankfully, it was Friday, so after today Camila would get two whole days to spend with Lauren without any interruptions. She decided that maybe they could go swimming today. It was nice out after all and the three year old had been begging to get back in the water the second she had gotten out the first time.

Thankfully the day goes by quickly and the young woman soon finds herself walking through the front door of her home keys and purse in hand.

"Mama!" Lauren cries happily after hearing the door open, squirming out of Dinah's and taking off as quick as her little legs could carry her.

Camila grins as she lifts her baby up into her arms, pressing a kiss to her cheek, "hi munchkin. Why don't you go get mama one of your swim suits from your room?" She places her back down to her feet.

She has to talk to her friend real quick.

Lauren kicks her legs happily, "water mama?" She exclaims excitedly not even waiting for a response before she squeals and runs off towards her room.

Shaking her head playfully, Camila walks over to Dinah and accepts the hug offered to her, "hi DJ" she murmurs.

Dinah gives her a squeeze before kissing her friends cheek and pulling away, "hi mila. What's going on?" She could tell from her friends facial expression that something was going on.

She could read her like a book.

Camila sighs and glances behind her to make sure little ears weren't listening before opening her mouth to talk, "there's a business trip next Wednesday. I've been asked to go" was all she says, reaching for the coffee that had been made for her with one hand whilst attempting to shrug off her blazer with the other.

Dinah's eyebrows raise, "let me guess. You can't take Lauren with you." She reaches out to help Camila take off her jacket when she sees her struggling and places it on the back of one of the dining chairs.

"Mhhh no, I can. It's just...Im going to be in meetings for entire time and I have no one to watch her. Do you wanna maybe...come with us?" Camila asks hopefully with an innocent smile.

Shaking her head playfully, "sure mila, I'd love to" before Camila could reply, little feet interrupt and the two were met with the sight of a half naked Lauren tangled up in the two piece swim suit she had obviously attempted to get on herself.

"Mama stuck" a prominent pout was on her face.

Camila crouches down in front of her, "it's okay baby, let mama help mhhh?" She takes one of the toddlers legs out of the same whole she had put them in and adjusts them so they were on properly, and other than untwisting the straps, she had surprisingly managed to get the top part on properly.

"Go wait with auntie Dinah whilst mama puts hers on okay?" She gives her padded butt a few pats before gently guiding her towards the taller woman.

Once sure she wouldn't be followed, Camila heads towards her room and begins to strip off. She slips on one of her many bikinis and after pulling her long hair back into a ponytail, she was making her way back towards the duo.

Thankfully, Camila had told Dinah of their plans earlier last night promoting the younger woman to bring a bikini with her.

Soon, all three were ready to head off into the pool, and Dinah, once there immediately cannonballs into the water promoting Camila go shake her head in amusement as she places the changing bag she had bought with her down into one of the lounge chairs.

"Your aunt Dinah's silly" she coos to the toddler as she heads over to the pool, carefully making her way down the steps.

Lauren grins as she grips onto her mother's bikini top, "I do too?" She asks hopefully, eyes wide and full of excitement.

"Uhhhh..." Camila trials off as she watches Dinah resurface, "maybe not today nena. Let's wait until you're a little bigger mhhhh?" She questions hopefully, adjusting the girl onto her hip.

Pouting, Lauren nods her head.

"What if I catch her?" The youngest woman asks after overhearing the youngsters question.

Camila considers this, before nodding and lifting the toddler onto the pools edge, "jump to auntie Dinah. She'll catch you" She smiles attempting to hide the anxiousness in her voice.

Not sensing this, Lauren doesn't at all hesitate to jump into the shallow end of the water letting out a happy sequel. Of course Dinah catches her, and the young girl was eager to do it again promoting the younger woman to lift her back out of the water.

This goes on for about fifteen minutes before she gets bored, and she whines to get back into her mothers arms.

"C'mere munchkin, let's watch auntie Dinah swim for a while" Camila situates herself onto the very top step of the pool with her baby on her lap.

It doesn't at all surprise her when a little hand makes its way to her breast, and with a small shake of the head she was slipping one of the bikini straps off of her shoulder allowing the toddler to get to her feed.


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