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"Alright students, you may dismiss. Thank you for your time"

Upon listening to the very last word, Hayoung sighed in relief. Finally the whole freaking two hours of Economics class had ended

Hayoung-Hello, Jungkook?
Jungkook-Hayoung, where are you? Are you out?
Hayoung-I'm on my way. Excuse me. I'm sorry!
Jungkook-Are you okay?
Hayoung-What? Yes! Just, it's very crowded in the hallway

Jungkook-Alright, I'll just wait in the car
Hayoung-Usual parking?
Jungkook-Usual parking
Hayoung-Okay, see you

Hayoung quickly cut the line and shoved her phone back into her pocket. She opened her locker, putting all her books inside before banging it closed

She paced hurriedly to Jungkook who had been waiting since forever. Hayoung had told him she would be fine if he came a little bit late because most of her classes did not end right on time

But that stoned head would never listen

Hayoung did not realize how fast she was walking until she tripped on her own shoelaces


She screamed her lungs out, wishing that someone would catch her from falling. Hayoung shut her eyes tight

A guy who came from opposite direction was distracted. He quickly reflected by extending his hand and caught Hayoung from falling

She screamed loudly in the guy's arms. She opened her eyes when she felt someone was holding her. Their eyes were locked for a couple of seconds

Hayoung straightened up and fixed her messy hair. She felt so awkward to say anything

Hayoung-I... I'm sorry for being careless. Anyways, thank you, sir

The guy only nodded, keeping his face straight. Hayoung squatted down to tie up her laces before standing up again. She bowed at him and walked away with an awkward smile

Hayoung-You're stupid, Hayoung

She bit her lower lip and quickened her footsteps. When she saw Jungkook's car, she ran faster and quickly got inside

Hayoung-Hi, Jungkook
Jungkook-Hi. Are you alright? Your hair is a bit...
Hayoung-Why, why?
Jungkook-Come here

Jungkook leant closer to Hayoung. She flinched a bit when Jungkook touched a strand of her hair

Jungkook-Calm down, I just fixed it for you
Hayoung-Thank you

Jungkook drove Hayoung back to her house. Actually, Hayoung was living alone in Korea because she studied here. Her parents were living in the States at the moment and usually would come to visit her twice a year

Since their family are related into a business, they were close since they were a child

Hauoung-Be careful
Jungkook-I will always be

Jungkook-Wait, Sarang? You don't have class tomorrow, right?
Jungkook-Are you free if I ask you out?
Hayoung-Yeah. Why?
Jungkook-I want to take you out, but I'm not telling you where. I'll see you tomorrow
Hayoung-Tch, what ever. Bye

Hayoung waved until Jungkook's car was not able to be seen anymore


Ding! Dong!

Hayoung-I'm coming!

Hayoung fixed her hair in front of the mirror before deciding that was the best look she could have. She would like to tie them up but of course Jungkook wouldn't like it that way

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