Update? Kagehina

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Bro it's been 3 years since I wrote this what the heck! I finally got into Haikyuu again and I've been reading all the comments... they made me cry (,:

I really want friends to talk to about haikyuu and fangirl with. I also cosplay and I'm waiting for my hinata wig :D

I wanted to thank all of you for the nice comments throughout these 3 years and I decided to start writing again! Most of my followers on here aren't active anymore because it's been so long so please help me out here!

I wrote a kagehina story here's the link:


You can also just find it on my account as "I saw the stars in his eyes"

If all goes well and everyone keeps me motivated I'll take requests and ship requests. I definitely want to write kagehina and asanoya. Also sugamama because he deserves all the love.

So thank you all and please check it out! The first chapter is up and chapter 2 and 3 have already been written, it's quite rusty but I tried my best (:

I love all of you! Don't forget to fly my little birdies <3

Update update
I wrote another kagehina fic but with more fluff! If you are interested be free to take a look!


It's named:
Fallen crown

And its about Hinata who has a terrible nightmare and he seeks comfort with Kageyama :3

Just volleyball dorks in love tbh

Also thanks for reading this story! If you have any other ships or storylines be free to inspire me!

I love you my little bird and have a wonderful day/night <3

Also follow my insta or tiktok so we can fangirl together! (Also if u wanna check out my cosplays my boy Hinata and Tsuki 👌 My kenma wig is on the way!! ^-^)

Insta/Tiktok: ard_cosplay

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