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11.48 PM
THURS, 12 JUN 1986

NORA WOKE UP IN COLD SWEAT AS SHE GASPED FORAIR. She tried to steady her breath. She felt arms on her shoulders and saw Alice's concerned blue eyes. Nora's eyes widened as she pulled out an abhorrent face, slapping Nora's hands away.

"Don't touch me," she hissed.

Alice furrowed her brows in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"Where's Mom and Dad?" Nora asked in a rude tone.

"They went out an hour ago."

Nora grunted in frustration, rubbing her temples. She then faced Alice and raised her index finger at the woman rudely, "Listen here. I know what you did, okay, now don't-"

Nora was then suddenly interrupted by the sound of the front door opening.

"They're home early..." Nora muttered, then opened her mouth scream, "MOM! DAD-"

Alice quickly closed Nora's mouth and brought her free hand to her mouth, signalling her to be quiet. Nora muffled a few insults underneath Alice's hands as Alice cautiously looked at the room's door.

"Your parents said they won't be home 'till tomorrow morning."

Both Alice and Nora glanced at the clock.

11.50 p.m.

Whoever it was, they're uninvited.

Alice let go of Nora's mouth as Nora glared at the brunette, "Are you trying to make me shut up for your crimes?"

Alice looked back at Nora with a bewildered expression, "What?"

Alice ran to the door and quickly locked the door as she went back to where Nora was and brought her down to the floor, pushing her under the bed.

"What are you trying to do?" Nora asked, unamused.

"Get under the bed!" Alice whisper yelled, "And I know that every room has a phone, where are you hiding it?"

Nora stretched her arms to the nightstand shelf and pulled it out, revealing a white blocky Motorola 8000X. Alice hastily pulled it out and gave it to Nora.

"Call the police." Alice commanded.


The door handle was turning frantically.

"You heard that," Alice said, "Now, call the police."

"I am not taking orders from a murderer."

Alice was extremely confused with Nora's words, but decided to save it for later. Right now, Nora just seemed like a delusional girl not wanting to cooperate. By now, whoever was on the other side of the door was going to kick the door down. No doubt. Loud bangs were consecutively heard, making the two females inside had a small wave of panic wash over them.

"Just call the police, Nora!" Alice scolded, visibly frustrated.


The door flew back and revealed a mysterious figure, holding a knife. The figure then let out a psychotic giggle. Alice quickly pushed Nora as Nora squirmed into her hiding place, hoping that whoever broke down that door hadn't seen her yet. From under the bed, Nora could still see what was happening. Alice was standing protectively in front of her bed, facing the mysterious figure. The figure then stepped in. When the lights hit her face, both Nora and Alice's eyes widen.

It was Sasha. Sasha Wynn. The Haertel's previous maid.

She looked just like Alice.

"Nice to meet you again," Sasha said in a sickeningly sweet voice, "sister."

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