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9.30 PM
SAT, 24 MAY 1986

NORA SAT ON HER BED, WITH HER FAVORITE BOOK,DEATH BY DROWNING BY GARY W. EVANS, IN HAND. She lowered down her book, glancing at the clock on the wall. 9.30 p.m. She and Eren were sent to their rooms an hour ago. She sighed and closed her book, putting it on the nightstand as she switched off her nightlight and pulling the covers on herself, getting ready to sleep. Just as she was about to close her eyes, she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in..." she called out lazily.

The door opened and revealed Eren in his blue pajamas, scratching his eyes, frowning.

"What do you want?" Nora asked rather rudely.

"I'm scared." Eren simply answered, his voice was shaky like he was about to cry.

"Nightmare?" Nora asked, her voice softer this time. Eren nodded rapidly, still scratching his eyes. Nora sighed and wiggled the other side of the bed and raised her blanket, inviting him. Eren's frown curled up to a huge smile. He closed the door behind him, ran and jumped onto the bed, snuggling beside the teenage girl.

Nora is now lying on her back, having a stare-off with the ceiling, while Eren was lying on his side, facing away from Nora, hugging the sheets tightly.

"What the Hades did you dreamt about that scared you so much?"

"Something I've never dreamt about before-like something out of a very scary movie."

"That's what you get for watching gory movies, Eren." Nora scoffed, "Now I'm curious. Was Leatherface friendly?"

Eren went quiet before answering, "It wasn't Leatherface."

Nora tilted her head to the side, looking at her brother.

"I was drowning," He resumed, "I was drowning on our river. I don't know how and why, but I was drowning."

"That's weird," Nora replied, furrowing her brows, "Why would you dream yourself drowning, you're not scared of water. You can swim. If you were to be in that situation anyway, you would've swum onto the surface."

"Exactly," Eren agreed, his back still facing his sister, "I tried to, but something was making sure I was kept underwater. It feels like-I don't know-a rope? That thing weighed my neck and my ankles and I couldn't swim to the surface."

"Well, darn, Eren," Nora chuckled, facing front again and closing her eyes, "That's some wild dream."


"Feel much better already?" Nora asked.

"Not really..."

Nora opened her eyes and sat up, facing her brother once again. She sighed and turned around to open the curtains, which was right beside her bed. The soft luminance of the moon slithers through the window, lighting up the room just a little.

"Wanna see the stars real quick?" Nora suggested.

Eren's ears perked up like a dog when it hears the can of their food opening and hurried to the windowsill, looking out of the window, gazing at the starry skies in awe. He raised his hand to point at one star, the largest and brightest amongst all.

"Look! Virgo!"

Nora chuckled at the actions of her brother. No matter how much of an insufferable brat Eren can be, Nora still finds his admiration and love for celestial objects cute.

She patted his head and smiled.

"You know, Nora," Eren said, still looking up at the stars, eyes sparkling with a wide smile plastered on his face, "One day I'm going to discover my own stars and when I do, I'm going to make the constellation Eren official!"

"Oh, really now?" Nora chuckled.

"Yes!" Eren nodded enthusiastically, "And when that time comes, promise me to have your child born during the month where constellation Eren is present!"

Nora raised both of her arms to her face to cover her mouth, trying with everything in her power to not burst into a peal of laughter. Eren noticed his sister's snickering and whined, telling her that he was being serious. Nora then inhaled deeply and exhaled.

"Births can't be controlled, Eren..."

12.30 AM
SUN, 25 MAY 1986

Nora opened her eyes slowly, trying to adjust her vision and refocus it, the moonlight almost blinding her. She noticed that the curtains were still open, but was far too comfortable in her current position to close it. She then noticed Eren by the door getting ready to go out.

"Where are you going?" Nora asked, partly awake, her voice raspy.

"Back." Eren replied as he spun his head to look at her, giving her a goody smile, "Where else?"

Nora yawned and closed her eyes again, drifting off to sleep, "Okay. Goodnight..."

Eren was already outside, as he replied to Nora's greeting in a small voice, too small for Nora to hear.


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