Part 10

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Bailey and Steve don't move as the sound of the Hulk roaring and electricity shake the building. Bailey snaps back into reality. "Steve do it!" Steve stands wide eyed. "I can't!" Bailey gives him an exasperated look. "We don't have a choice!" Steve looks desperate. "If I turn this, on it could kill you and Tony would kill me!" Bailey waves her hand out to where the Hulk and Zappy were fighting. "Not before Zappy and Big Green do!!" Bailey sees Steve wasn't taking it so she sighs. "Listen, someone once told me that I was struck by that lightning for a reason, that it chose me." Bailey shakes her head. "I'm not sure I believe that, but right now it doesn't matter what I believe." Bailey grabs the bar on the treadmill. "What do you believe?" Steve sighs and grabs the lever. He glances at Bailey one last time, who nods. Steve flips the switch. Bailey screams in pain as the electricity flows through her. Steve watches in horror while her hands turn bright red and orange in color. Bailey screams one last time before being thrown of the treadmill and onto the floor. Steve runs over to her. "Bailey! Are you alright? Do you feel anything?" Bailey stares at her hand and focuses on her speed. Her hand vibrates momentarily before stopping. She sighs. "It didn't work." Steve's head snaps up when a loud bang shakes the lab. He and Bailey share a look. If they didn't figure this out soon it could be Harlem all over again. Sorry Bruce.

Steve helps Bailey walk through the halls, then they hear the crackle of electricity. The Hulk is sent into a wall in front of Bailey and Steve. They freeze as the Hulk looks at them. "Run." Then he starts ti shrink down, until a passed out Banner is all that is left. Zappy walks around the corner and the two take off right before he fires a blast of electricity at them.

Bailey hobbles into the generator room having guided Steve on where to go. Tony turn and runs to his daughter. "What happened." Bailey looks at Tony and shakes her head. "It didn't work." Bailey sits and takes out her lab kit, setting it up to Tony's laptop. "What are you doing?" Bailey continues to work. "I need to see if it changed anything." She rolls up her sleeve and gestures for her father to take her blood. He does so hesitantly. Bailey puts the sample into the magnifier and it show up on screen. Her face lights up at the sight of yellow flakes bouncing around. "Oh my god." Tony and Steve look at the screen over her shoulder. Biology isn't his strong suit like it is Bailey's. "My cells. They're rapidly regenerating." Bailey lifts her hand and tries to vibrate it. It does momentarily, until it stops. She sighs. "I still don't have my speed." Tony thinks for a moment and suggests id it was maybe mental not physical. Bailey stands and holds her hand to her chest. What was that supposed to mean? Steve stands and walks over too Bailey. "Look, you asked if I believed you were struck by lightning for a reason, If you were chosen." Bailey glances at him. "I believe. You should too." Bailey sighs and nods. A boom resinates from the upper levels. "We should move."

In the garage Bailey runs to a car, but after she starts it, it cuts out. She tries the ignition again but nothing works. She looks up as the door opens, and there stood Zappy looking like a hungry Z nation zombie. He spots Bailey in the fancy car and fires electricity at. Bailey jumps out just in time, but a sickening crack comes from her arm. "Bailey!" Tony goes into full dad mode and runs to Zappy and gets his fist ready to swing. Steve tries to stop him but it was no use. "You son of a bitch!" Tony goes to hit Zappy but he fires electricity at Tony's chest and send him flying. "Dad!" Zappy walks up to Tony and fires electricity, but then the incredible happens. Bailey runs at super speed to her father and pulls him out of the way. She runs him over to Steve who nods with a smile. "Go kick some ass Flash." Bailey nods. She runs away and returns with her suit. Zappy fires at her several times but she dodges every blow. But the last one hits her. Zappy and her fall to the ground, both of their lightning coursing through each other. Bailey screams in pain and then the lightning stops, making itself imbedded in Bailey. She takes a moment to breathe and then remembers something. "The precinct." She disappears in a flash. 

Bailey stops on a rooftop and sighs seeing everything taken care of, but not without her new boss getting shot. Behind her she hears a familiar 'fwip'. She turns and is faced with her partner, Spiderman. "Hey Spidey." The arachnid themed hero stands next too Bailey. "Where were you?" Bailey sighs. "I was um... Out of commission for a bit." Spiderman looks at her hoping for her to elaborate. Bailey vibrates her hand and smiles at goes. "I lost my speed for a hot minute." Spiderman looks at her. "You what? How?" Bailey sits on the edge of the building, Spiderman copies her. "Well you've got your villains." Bailey looks up at the sky. It was going to rain again. "Like Vulture." Spiderman shudders slightly at the name. "My bad guys are like me." The eyes on Spiderman's suit switch into an eyebrow raised position. "Like you?" Bailey glances at Spiderman. "I'm a meta human. After a freak accident, my DNA was changed." Bailey whips out her phone and shows Spiderman the new scan of her blood. It was at least 6 times at fast as before. "My cells are always in a state of regeneration." Spiderman raises and eyebrow, confused. Bailey sighs and lifts her hand. "Just 20 minutes ago I broke my hand. Now look at it." Spiderman takes Bailey's hand and moves in lightly. It felt completely fine. "All meta humans are different, and dangerous. Not all of them are so friendly." Spiderman perks up. "Wait, what ones have you gone against? What powers did they have? Did you name them?" Bailey smiles and laughs. "2 so far. Weather Wizard could manipulate the weather, and Blackout, who I just went against, could control electricity." Spiderman stands. "What! That's so cool! Wait, you said your speed was gone?" He gasps. "Was it because of Blackout? He can probably absorb the positive energy in the air and could feel the lightning in you!" Bailey smiles as Spiderman continues to ramble about Blackout's powers. He eventually stops and stares at Bailey. She laughs. "Bit of a science nerd, aren't ya Spiderman?" Bailey didn't have to see his face to know she had made him blush. "Relax dude. No judgment here. Full on nerd here too." Spiderman relaxes slightly, but then he jumps and looks up at the sky. Bailey watches him as he flinches away from a raindrop. She smiles. "Not a fan of rain Spidey?" Spiderman pouts. "Hey! It's not my fault my Spidey sense goes off for everything!" Bailey bursts out in laughter. "Spidey sense? That's what you call it?" Spiderman crosses her arms. "What? You got anything better to call it?" Bailey's laughter dies down. "Sorry, sorry, I honestly would have come up with something worse. Hell I call The Arrow's base the Arrow cave." Spiderman's eyes widen. "You know the Arrow?!" Bailey chuckles. "I do. He actually trained me." Bailey could almost see the anime stars appearing in Spiderman's eyes. "That's so cool! I wanna be trained by him!" Bailey groans. "Ugh. Trust me, you really don't." She moves her shoulder and rubs her back. "I can still feel where he shot me with arrows." Bailey stands and glances up at the clouds. "He shot you with arrows? Why?" Bailey shrugs. "To teach me a very painful lesson." Bailey puffs out her chest to maker her best Oliver impression. "There's a difference Bailey, between having powers and having precision. It takes more than a mask. It takes discipline." Bailey laughs and drops her impression. "He's kinda dark and morbid but he's a good guy." Spiderman was awestruck, but the rain started to come down at a steady pace. Bailey looks at Spiderman and smirks. "Want a ride home wonder boy?" Spiderman tries to speak but Bailey interrupts. "Relax, just name the part of the city. I've got a secret identity too. I get it." Spiderman takes a moment, then nods. "Queens." Bailey nods and grabs him. She runs to Queens and leaves him on a rooftop. Spiderman watches at Bailey runs away. He smiles knowing he has a great partner.

Later Bailey dressed as the Flash runs into her bosses hospital. She felt guilty about not being able to help. "Flash! OOO what are you doin here?" Bailey smirks at her boss on pain meds. "Just wanted to apologize for not being there to help." The detective smiles. "Ohhh its fine these pills are fun!" Bailey laughs one last time before speeding away to the tower.

Bailey plops down on the couch next ti her father. She looks at his screen and sees he hacked into her comms. "So what's this about being shot by the Arrow?" Bailey rolls her eyes. "Dad, don't start." Steve laughs at the two.




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