Part 4

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With Tony and the team being gone, and it being the weekend Bailey decided it was the perfect time to work on her suit. She cleared out an empty lab and had FRIDAY set up a private server. First she needed to map it out on the hologram, so she could see what she would need and what she could add in. Bailey's phone suddenly goes off and she instantly answers seeing the name. "Hey Felicity!" Bailey smiles. She listens to the other end before her smile fades into horror. "Oh my god. Ok, I'm on my way." She hangs up and quickly gathers her things. Bailey slides her backpack on. She leaves the lab and rushes to the stairs and once she's sure she is alone, she speeds down them and out of the city. Felicity had said that Roy, Oliver, Dig, and Lyla were about to be killed by a homicidal man with boomerangs. She didn't need to be told they needed speed. She zips into the ARGUS building and catches two boomerangs right before they impale Olivers chest. Bailey knows she doesn't have anything to hide her identity so she runs off, not before disarming the— What do you even call someone who wields boomerangs? A boomer? Ok Boomer. Bailey laughs to herself. She needs friends who can laugh at her jokes...

In the Arrow cave Felicity sits at her computer hacking into ARGUS to find out more on Harkness. Bailey zooms into the room making papers fly everywhere. Felicity sighs. She really needs paper weights. Bailey sits down in a swivel chair and spins in it. "Hey Bailey." Felicity mumbles as she picks up the papers. Bailey giggles and pulls out her phone. She calls her father. Team Arrow still doesn't know her true parentage. The call goes to voicemail. "Hey Dad it's Bailey. I'm home, and not dead. Call me when the mission ends." Felicity stares at the teenager. "I'll call you later and I'll save you some pizza." She hangs up and notices Felicity's stare. "What?" Felicity stands. "Your Dad doesn't know you're The Flash? Or where you are and what you are doing?" Bailey laughs and lets her head hang over the back of the chair. "God no. If he knew he'd ground me like not tomorrow." The others enter the room. "Bailey you are 16 years old! I thought your Dad knew!!" Oliver glares at Bailey for showing up unannounced, and she sticks her tongue out at him. He keeps forgetting how old she is. "What is this about?" He asks felicity. She turns to Oliver and points at Bailey. "She's out playing hero and her parents don't know!" Bailey being her father's daughter ignores the situation and makes a remark. "Correction. Parent. Singular." Oliver looks to her and puts his 'I am mad at you' face on. "They don't know?!" Bailey spins in the chair. "Eh, secrets like this kinda run in the family." Oliver drags his hand over his face. This kid.... "Uh, who are you?" Bailey ignores Lyla and puts her hand on her stomach. "I'm hungry." She runs out of the room, past a shocked Diggle and Lyla. She returns back with a plate of Shawarma. Dig points at her utterly lost. "You're fast." Bailey smiles with a mouth full. Oliver points to Bailey. "I'll deal with you later." Bailey purses her lips. Changing the subject, Felicity turned to Oliver. "Are you ok?" Bailey tunes out the conversation and eats her food, and Dig continues to glance at her. She freaks him out and she loves it. As Dig pours metal fragments onto a tray Bailey finishes her food. "Is that ARGUS property?" Dig looks too Lyla. "Its evidence." Bailey looks at it. "Bailey can I speak to you for a moment?" Bailey rolls her eyes, but follows Oliver. "I appreciate your help back at ARGUS, but we have this handled." Bailey raises an eyebrow. "Really? If I didn't show up you'd have two more boomerangs in you than normal." Oliver adjusts his stand. "Things work differently here. Starling City is meaner." Bailey stares at Oliver like he's crazy. "I'm guessing you haven't been to New York recently. Besides I've been practicing." Oliver rolls his eyes at her New York comment. "Everything you taught me. I'm casing new environments, I'm not running in blind. Well blind-er." Oliver puts his hands on his hips. "I did also just run across the country and I'm kinda tired." Olivers head drops and Bailey realizes she has won. "Yes!" Oliver points out her clothes. "How are you going to hide your face?" Bailey shrugs. "Technically I don't really exist so that's one thing, and another-" Bailey vibrates her face so its idencernable. Oliver furrows his brows. Good enough. "Ok what's our first move?" They walk back to everyone else. "Well we need to assemble the evidence but it'll-" Bailey speeds over to it and puts the metal pieces together. Oliver looks to her annoyed. An excited teenager and supersede powers make an annoying mix. She places the tray in front of Oliver. "But It'll be worth it." Bailey picks one up. "These are pretty tech-ed out. 3D printed polymer with a circuitry weave. This is actually a pretty good idea for my suit." Felicity smiles. Bailey is extremely smart and she loves it. "Some of them exploded." Bailey nodded inspecting the boomerangs. "Ya there are grooves in here that could definitely pack a C4 charge. The tech looks almost familiar." Bailey knows her tech when she sees it. She's always help her father with his suits and the micro fitted weaponry was her specialty. How did Harkness get her tech? "Maybe if we figure out got the supplies we can use that to track him." Bailey doesn't look up from the device. "No need. I already know where he got it from." Everyone looks to Bailey and she realizes she has to explain. With a sigh she puts down the device. "This is Stark technology. I can recognize this tech anywhere." Bailey zips to the computers and hacks into SHIELD faster that they can blink. She brings up a mugshot. They all come over to see. "Ulysses Klaue. He was the black market dealer for things like Stark Tech and Vibranium. He got his arm chopped off thanks to Ultron. I guess the bastard is still alive." Roy looks too Bailey. "How do you know all this stuff?" Bailey sighs. "Screw this." She stands up. "I lied about my parents." Oliver nods. He couldn't find out about her past. "The truth is my father is Tony Stark, and I know about the tech because I helped make it." Dig laughs but then sees Bailey's face. "Wait you're serious?" She nods. "Story for another time. Right now we need to get this guy." Felicity goes to sit at the computers but Bailey beats her to it. "No offense Felicity but I'm the better hacker." She pouts as Bailey types. "If I can hack my fathers AI, then this is a piece of cake." The screen changes to a wallpaper of Stark industries. Then a database comes up. "It's a good thing my father keeps track of the black market farms all over the country." Bailey opens a folder called Starling and a map pops up. "There." Oliver looks to Bailey impressed. "Alright let's go."

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