💎Episode 2💎

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A/n: Here's a bit of clarification for those who need it!
(G/c)= gem color
(G/n)=gem name
(H/c)=hair color
(H/l)= hair length
(E/c)= eye color
(F/d)= favorite dessert
Enjoy the chapter!!

   -Steven's POV-

   I stared down at the gem kneeling before me in surprise. This was so out of character of her from what I had come to know about her in the past couple of hours. "No no no. I'm not Pink Diamond and that's not how things work around here. You're free to be your own gem without being controlled by the diamonds," I repeated the message I have been trying to send out to the universe to her.

There was a pause of silence, but the (g/c) gem did not raise her head when she finally said, "I see that I am not explaining myself well." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "I am here to be your protector, not your servant."

   "But I don't need a protector. I've been doing just fine protecting myself all these years," I told her. I was going to say more, but I could tell from the determined line of the (g/c) gem's mouth that she wasn't going to back down any time soon. All I could do was take her back to the house.

The car ride to the beach house was silent. I was steadily becoming more uncomfortable so I put in a cassette tape. I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel along with the beat as I drove. Throwing a glance at the gem in shotgun, I could see she was enjoying it too. Her head slightly nodded as the song continued on, and I could see the corners of her mouth were lifted.

The sight brought a smile to my face but it also confused me. This gem was so open to Earth's lifestyle that it didn't make sense why she was still clinging to Homeworld's. The (g/c) gem wore human clothing unlike most gems, loved eating and drinking, and liked music. If I hadn't seen her gem, I would've thought she was a human.

     When we arrived, I led the gem into the house. Immediately when I opened the door, I heard Pearl call out to me, "Steven, how did today go?—Oh! Who is this?"

     "Hey, Pearl. My day was great, and this is..." I looked at the now timid gem as the crystal gems gathered into the living room to see the guest I had brought. "I should probably give you a nickname, huh." I looked around the room until my eyes landed on the pot that was sitting on the stove. My brain was completely blank when I tried to think of a name and all I saw was that pot. (He's totally going to call you Pot)

    Before I could say my suggestion aloud, the (g/c) gem spoke up, "(Y/n)."

    I wasn't used to her voice at all so when she spoke, I almost didn't register it. "What?"

   "Call me (Y/n)," the (g/c) gem said. The name was perfect for her, yet it was another factor to add to my confusion. She already had a nickname?

Despite my confusion, I smiled at her and introduced her to the gems. "(Y/n), meet the crystal gems: Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst," I said, gesturing to each of them, "Guys, this is (Y/n), my..."

"Protector," (Y/n) finished for me.

"Yeah...that," I muttered awkwardly.

Pearl looked at (Y/n) in disbelief before looking at me, "She can't be serious?"

Amethyst wrapped her arm around (Y/n) saying, "Dude, Steven is all grown up. He can take care of himself."

   (Y/n) looked extremely tense with them taking her words lightly and their close proximity. I wasn't the only one who noticed her uneasiness. Garnet pulled Pearl and Amethyst away from (Y/n). "Let's give her some space. We don't want to overwhelm her," Garnet said, before releasing her grip on their shoulders.

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