💎Episode 5: Part 2💎

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A/n: Here's a bit of clarification for those who need it!

(G/c)= gem color
(G/n)= gem name
(H/c)= hair color
(H/l)= hair length
(E/c)= eye color
(F/c)= favorite color

Enjoy the chapter!!

-(Y/n)'s POV-

Instead of trying to assimilate in Little Homeworld like most new-arrival gems, Bluebird dedicated her time to Steven's discomfort. She didn't do anything drastic, but combined, the little things she did affected him. She was a parasitic insect that gnawed on his relationship with his family and friends. 

The most frustrating part, for Steven and I, was that he had technically let her into his life. I couldn't blame Steven for giving into peer-pressure. But he blamed himself. Harshly.

Welcoming her required trust that Bluebird did not possess. Trust– well-earned trust– prevented people from getting hurt, and we'd lost our best defense against Bluebird's trickery: distrust. Having proof that she hadn't changed was all that could stop her. 

And she knew how to dangle it just beyond our reach. 

Steven and I saw Bluebird behind Pearl in the kitchen, holding a knife in the opportune stabbing position. He tried to warn Pearl until he saw her turn from the fridge with a cake in her hands. Bluebird's eager yet threatening hold on the knife was intended for the dessert, not Pearl. 

That was only the beginning of Bluebird preying on Steven's suspicions. 

He rushed to save Garnet who was pinned to the ground with Bluebird standing on her back and restraining her arms. This time, she was supposedly helping Garnet do some stretches before she did some advanced yoga. 

When we returned to the beach house, I sank into the couch next to Steven. "Your CHAAAAPS, My Diamond," I announced with exaggerated poshness and handed him a bag of CHAAAAPS that I'd found on the counter. Amethyst must've gotten distracted and forgotten her snack. How else could a vulnerable bag of CHAAAAPS go uneaten? 

Steven winced. 

I looked down at my lap. "Sorry," I murmured. Even though I knew his Diamond status made him uncomfortable, the teasing words had unconsciously rolled off my tongue. 

He's probably going to misunderstand, I internally groaned. Of all the excuses I could've used when we met, why did I say that?

Steven sighed. "I don't get it. You see me as, well, me and not my mom, but you treat me like I'm a Diamond." 

I automatically thought, But you are a Diamond. At least half. 

However, I kept this to myself. It's not like he needed me to define what he was. 

I leaned against the couch, stared up at the ceiling, and let out a sigh of my own. How do I even begin to explain? With the misunderstanding? With my feelings? Where do those even begin?   

"I don't understand it either," was all I said in response.

Steven opened the bag of CHAAAAPS I gave him and pulled out a slip of paper. From my angle, I could see familiar splotches of magenta marker bleeding through it. 

"Another one?" I asked. The drawing looked like a squiggly gangster, but the name written above claimed it was Steven.

"Please tell me you did this," Steven begged.


He groaned. 

Suddenly, Amethyst slid an arm around him. "What's up dude?" she asked and munched on some of Steven's CHAAAAPS. 

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