💎Episode 4: Part 2💎

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A/n: Here's a bit of clarification for those who need it!

(G/c)= gem color
(G/n)= gem name
(H/c)= hair color
(H/l)= hair length
(E/c)= eye color
(F/c)= favorite color

CONTENT WARNING! Abuse is mentioned (since this is THAT episode...)

Enjoy the chapter!!

It's been centuries since I'd last used a warp pad, and the chilling sense of deja vu reminded me why. Especially when we arrived at the Reef.

"Here we are," Pearl said.

"This is the Reef?" Steven asked, looking around. Even shrouded in desolate darkness, the architecture's neat layout and symmetry were beautiful. It was a perfection apt for Pearls, and more importantly, for their Diamond masters. "Is this where Pearls are made?"

"Were," Pearl corrected, "but yes."

"It also serves as a luxury boutique and a center for refurbishment and repair," Volleyball chimed in. For the first time since we'd warped, her expression was something other than stoic.

"Repair! Yes! Just what I wanted to hear," Steven said and walked towards the short, hand-shaped plinth with the Diamonds' insignia in the middle of the room. Upon placing his hand on it, a pillar of turquoise light shot out from its surface, and the Reef came to life. Circular lights on the floor shone in the darkness before the entire room was bathed in light.

"Welcome, Pink Diamond," the Reef's automated voice announced from somewhere unseen.

"Uh, no, I'm Steven Universe," he said awkwardly.

"Welcome, Steven Universe," the voice said. "I am Shell, your guide to the Reef."

Steven waved to the disembodied voice. "Uh, hi, Shell! My friend Volleyball has a crack on her face, and we were hoping you could fix it."

"Understood." A trail of lights on the polished blue-green floor lit up to a set of doors. "Please, follow the illuminated path to the Care Center."

"You really didn't have to come all the way out here for such a trivial thing," Volleyball said. Her hands folded over each other neatly, but the action seemed more out of nervousness than politeness.

"Trust me. If this was trivial, we wouldn't be," I said, though I had yet to determine if this treatment was detrimental to Steven's well-being. Volleyball paid me no mind and awaited Steven's response.

"Yeah," he told her firmly before facing the door. "Soon, we'll all be able to put the past behind us."

I followed Steven towards the door and left the Pearls to their childish pettiness. Words formulated in my mind and thrashed in my cage of uncertainty. Should I be the one to say this to him? I wondered.

I must've looked like a fish, opening and closing my mouth wordlessly behind him. "Even if we don't put the past behind us today, we will someday. We will," I eventually said. Steven's footsteps faltered, and the look he gave me said that he hoped I was right.

"Woah-ha-ho!" He exclaimed when the sea shell patterned doors opened to reveal a hall of organized products and poised holograms of Pearls. Had the Reef displayed food, which would have tasted absolutely delicious, I'd be tempted by the merchandise.

"Please feel free to take your time looking through the latest offerings and appearance moderators as we make our way to the Care Center," Shell said.

"Spoken like a true salesman," I said to myself.

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