Toy Freddy - Meeting your family

Start from the beginning

"I've missed you so much, my sweet little girl!" You laughed, he'd always see you as a kid, and hugged him back before he let you go.

"Dad, this is Teddy, my boyfriend. Sorry it took a while for me to bring him, it was really tricky to work around his schedule." That was the understatement of the year. Your dad looked Teddy up and down before locking him in a hug as well.

"Welcome young man. Dinners almost ready, so let's go sit down." Oh thank god, you were hungry and the smells coming from the kitchen were making it so much worse as you went to go sit down, but Teddy got ahead f you and pulled out your chair for you. Cue more blushing as everyone giggled at how cute you two were.

"So, how long have you two been together?" It was your aunt that asked, and Teddy grabbed your hand, looking over at you with a sweet smile on his face.

"6 months, but we've known each other since she started working at the pizzeria." He wasn't wrong, but you had no idea he could be human until your swap to night-shift.

"But we didn't really start talking until I moved to night shift, and we just never really stopped." Looking into his blue eyes, you felt calmer as your family stared at the two of you.

"So, not quite love at first sight then. Still, it's nice to hear you were friends before getting together, that's the best way of doing things in my opinion." Your Papa piped up from across the table, serving up dinner before sitting down himself beside your Dad.

"Yeah, she's pretty good friends with all the others too." Teddy slipped up and you groaned. It wouldn't make sense to have a bunch of people on night shift, and they didn't give you nicknames to use, so you were kinda stuck blurting everything out now. Teddy immediately realized his mistake and groaned.

"It's okay, you didn't mean to slip up, and I knew one of us was going to say the wrong thing eventually." Everyone at the table looked at each other in confusion before looking back at the both of you.

"And what did he slip up on dear?" Your grandmother spoke up after being quiet this whole time. Sighing, Teddy took off his hat and used it to wipe off his cheeks to reveal the unnatural rosiness.

"Teddy is Toy Freddy from the pizzeria. That's why it was such a challenge to get him out to come to dinner. I actually had to ask the manager if I could borrow him, which you can imagine earned me a funny look." Teddy's ears moved down close to his head, his emotions clear as he looked embarrassed to be the centre of attention right now.

"Pumpkin, what are you talking about? He doesn't look like a robot to me." Your Papa has backed off a little, bit sure what to make of Teddy since he obviously wasn't normal.

"He's right sweetheart, Teddy's got... well, skin and everything!" It was your dads turn to speak, his hands clasping your Papa's tightly for reassurance.

"Everyone close your eyes for a few seconds, this is going to be bright." Your fathers and grandma listened, while your aunt and cousin stared until things got to bright and they turned away as well. Now, in place of your boyfriend Teddy, was Toy Freddy in all his animatronic glory. Your aunt screamed and fell off her chair, your cousin following suit, while your fathers simply stared in disbelief. Teddy moved around for a bit, showing that he wasn't just a prop, before speaking up.

"My name is Toy Freddy, but I much prefer Teddy, and I love your daughter Y/N. she's the light of my life and I never want to be without her because she means the world to me. Please, don't hate me for what I am..." Both of your fathers looked at one another before jumping up and hugging Teddy, not caring that he was cold and metal as they just wanted to make sure that he felt accepted.

"We don't hate you. You're just not what we expected, that's all. You're good to our little girl and you seem like a good guy, so that's all that matters." Now your aunt and cousin had recovered, getting back on their feet before your cousin and his big mouth ruined the moment.

"So, is the baby even human?" The gasps that rang throughout the dining room were for two reasons. The first was the news that you were pregnant, and the second was because you'd gotten up extremely quickly and slapped your cousin across the face. There was a bright red mark on his cheek now, and you almost didn't notice the blinding light as Teddy swapped back into human form.

"For once is your goddamn life, I asked you to keep a secret, and you couldn't even do that, could you? No, you always need to tell everyone's news before they can! Ugh, sometimes I could just throttle you!" Teddy came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your stomach and humming a song that had been really helpful in calming you down lately. But it was usually used when when you were crying, not angry. Still, you knew you had to calm down and took several deep breaths before sitting down in your chair once again.

"I'm sorry for interrupting dinner." Your aunt was fuming, and she never was a quiet one either.

"You're not going to apologize for smacking my son?!" You shook your head, keeping your calm as Teddy rubbed circles on the back of your hand slowly to give you something else to focus on. Before anyone else could say anything, your grandmother spoke up again.

"You're pregnant? Before marriage?" You knew this was coming and you sighed deeply.

"We used protection, but it obviously wasn't enough. That's why I wanted to come so badly tonight, I wanted to tell you all the news. And grandma, please don't get upset. Yes, I had pre-marital sex, get over it." Several seconds of silence hung in the air before your Papa broke it.

"How far along are you?" His voice was quiet, but you could tell by the tone that he was really trying to hide his excitement because he didn't want to overwhelm you.

"3 and a half months Papa. It's a boy." Without even thinking about it, your hands cane to rest on your stomach and you smiled down at it, the anger gone from your mind as you thought of your precious baby boy.

"I've been trying to make sure she takes it easy right now, and all of the other animatronics have been helping me as well. Don't worry, we'll all make sure that she's well taken care of until our son comes." He was so protective of you, but not in an overdone way, as you loved it so much.

"Well, that's all we can really ask, isn't that right love?" You Dad said while looking at your Papa and he agreed. But your grandmother still wasn't happy.

"It's not right, you need to be married first! What will people say?!" You rolled your eyes and your aunt joined in with your grandmother. You really didn't want to have to deal with them, but you did had an idea on how to shut them down.

"Times are different now, and no one is going to say anything. Now, should I assume this means that you don't want to meet him when he's born? I mean, this will be your first great-grandchild. But if you don't want to be in his life, that's just fine too..." Your grandmother stopped immediately as it finally sank in that she was going to be a great-grandmother. As that seemed to diffuse the situation, you started to eat because you were starving. The rest of the night was filled with tons of questions, of course, but it went fairly smoothly thank god. You did end up apologizing to your cousin and he admitted that he was in the wrong. So with that all patched up, now you just had to take care of yourself until the baby was finally brought into the world 5 months from now.

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