Chapter 8: Union Station

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the people or places that belong to the wonderful world of Harry Potter, as they belong to J.K. Rowling. The OCs (Katherine, Septimus, Helena, Christoph, Elisa, Henry, Nick, Justin, Kyle, Carlos, Mike, Nurse Canter, Headmaster Mickels, Hunfrith, Olwen, Huffie, Sorsek, Bilik, Fossum, Lars and Sven) are entirely my own.


The week went by faster than anyone had anticipated. Back at home, Severus had the first chance at seeing Katherine's private lab in the cellar. He was amazed in the fact that the room was twice as large as the lab back at Hogwarts, and was relieved at the organization in the storage room. Since Katherine was not allowed to brew any longer, Severus set about making the anti-nausea potion, while she made her way to the gardens to check on the herbs and vegetables.

On Thursday, Christoph and Elisa stopped by again, but this time it was to discuss the kids. Katherine had made a large dinner for them, and afterwards they moved into the living room to finalize their plans.

"So we are all on agreement that Katherine will pick up Septimus on her own and Severus will be here waiting for them," Christoph said, as he lent back in his chair with a cup of coffee in his hands.

"I think that would be best," Katherine said, as she sat down on the couch and put her feet up on the ottoman in front of her. "We don't want to draw any more attention to ourselves then we possibly could."

"You're right," Christoph chuckled. "He'd probably yell 'dad' across the station, upon seeing Severus' face."

"You act as though the boy talks about me all the time," Severus scoffed, as the other three chuckled behind their cups.

"Merlin's sake Sev," Katherine said, still chuckling from behind her tea cup. "Septimus asked about you all the time."

"The last two years were unbelievable," Elisa grinned. "I don't think a day didn't go by when he would ask as to 'when do you think mom will be home' or 'do you think dad will come home with her.' I was relieved when school came around, and we were able to load him back on the train again."

"You cannot be serious," Severus frowned. "Why would he want to know about me?"

"You are his father," Katherine smiled. "It is only natural for a boy to want to know as much about his father as possible."

"Even though he's never met you, in his eyes, you are his idol," Elisa smiled at the dark haired wizard.

"I am no hero Elisa," Severus scoffed again.

"Ah...but to him you are," Christoph said, as he reclined himself further into his chair. "Katherine has only told him that you were a 'private potions tutor' for the wealthiest families in Europe, but to him you are much more than that."

"And when he finds out the truth..." Severus asked, looking around at the others.

"I guess we will have to see on Sunday," Katherine shrugged.


Sunday morning came all too fast for Severus, as he was woken with a start as the bed shifted beside him. He cracked open his eyes to find Katherine pacing the room, back and forth between armoire and the dresser. Clothes were bunched up in her hands, while others were strewn about across the dresser's top.

"Katherine?" Severus yawned. "Are you alright?"

"No," Katherine stated, as she continued to pace. Severus shifted on the bed and rose to his feet; his eyes blinked tiredly in the morning's light.

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