Chapter 19: All Hallows Eve

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the people or places that belong to the wonderful world of Harry Potter, as they belong to J.K. Rowling. The OCs (Katherine, Septimus, Helena, Christoph, Elisa, Henry, Nick and any name you don't recognize, and isn't from the HP universe) are entirely my own.


With September drawing to a close, Severus found himself swamped with orders from the hospital. Cold and flu season were upon them, and the lab at one point had nearly twenty cauldrons of 'Pepper Up Potion' going at once.

While Severus slaved away in the lab, Katherine concentrated on the finishing of the gardens. The weather was becoming colder and rainy in the first part of October and the beds slowly began to diminish in size over the course of two weeks. Herbs were dried, vegetables and fruits were canned or frozen, and magical herbs and plants were prepared for storage for the winter months.

Every other Saturday was spent traveling to Septimus' Quidditch games. They had won against the Torngat Golden Eagles, but fell short by ten points against the Belknap Springs Devil Dogs. Septimus had at least catch the snitch, but, with the game lasting nearly seven hours, they were outscored 190 to 180. But it didn't seem to put the boy down too much, and he had said in his last letter that he was looking forward to crushing the Isla Angel de la Guarda Pumas on the thirty-first of October.

Katherine was now into her second week of her third trimester. And although she never complained, Severus noticed that she was physically slowing down and more tired than normal. She was also constantly stirring in her sleep, as she tried to find a comfortable position while the baby decided to stir and kick at all hours of the night. All in all, he was glad that there were only ten weeks left, but at the same time, that thought also made him a bit leery. No matter how much Katherine reassured him that he wouldn't be his father, a part of him still believed that he would be.

Elisa was now making 'weekly doctor visits,' even though her and/or Christoph were usually seen in or around the house daily. The healer seemed happy with Katheirne's progress, and then constantly questioned the witch about when she was going to get the nursery set up, which usually caused Katherine to snap and end up in a bad mood the rest of the day.

One week before Halloween, Severus, who had been delivering potions to St. Augustine's, returned with a harsh scowl on his face and a letter in his hand.

"Sev?" Katherine asked, looking up from her book. "What's the matter?"

"This is the problem," he sneered, thrusting the letter at her. Katherine quietly took the envelope from his hand, and broke the seal quickly.

"St. Augustine's Hospital
cordially invites you to attend its' annual

'All Hallows Eve' Ball and Fundraiser

Saturday, the thirty-first of October
Seven o'clock in the evening

The Moonstone Ballroom

Feldspar Hotel7 Rynek LaneMilwaukee, Wisconsin

All proceeds will fund the
Potion & Plant Poisonings Department

Black Robe Event

Cocktails at 7:00 pm

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