Chapter 22: Christmas Shopping Chaos

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the people or places that belong to the wonderful world of Harry Potter, as they belong to J.K. Rowling. The OCs (Katherine, Septimus, Helena, Christoph, Elisa, Henry, Nick and any name you don't recognize, and isn't from the HP universe) are entirely my own.


For two weeks, Severus couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to go wrong, but he tried as best as he could to push that feeling aside. It was, at least, a bit easier considering that a cry would wake both Katherine and himself about every two to three hours during the middle of the night. To tell the truth, he hadn't felt this tired in almost seven months.

The snow fell heavily around the small town of Amadahy, only a day before Septimus' return. That Saturday marked Serenity's first outing into the big world. Severus and Katherine flooed into Olsen's Apothecary, to avoid the Christmas shopping crowd, then proceed to the many variety of shops that the wizarding village had to offer.

Katherine dug into her pocket, after handing Severus Serenity in her carrier. They had placed a warming charm along with a weather proofing charm on the baby's carrier so the snow couldn't fall onto the blankets and soak them.

"Well, we might as well start at Quiner's," Katherine said, looking over the Christmas list that she had created the night before. "All three boys are on the list for there."

"Does Septimus really need any more Quidditch supplies?" Severus asked, as they began weaving their way through the crowded street.

"I noticed that his Broomstick Servicing Kit was getting low on supplies during the summer," Katherine said as they stopped before a small shop with a broomstick hanging above the door. "Plus all three boys could use new gloves."

The small shop was packed with parents, pushing and shoving to get as close as they could to the front counter. Severus growled as he was bumped into slightly. The small movement caused Serenity to whimper quietly, and Severus quickly whipped out his wand and placed a barrier around himself and the carrier to prevent it from happening again.

"What in Merlin's sakes is the matter with these people?" Severus snarled, as he followed Katherine as best as he could.

"No idea," Katherine muttered, before a woman to her left tried to push her out of the way in order to reach the front.

"OI! WATCH IT!" Katherine snarled at the shorter brunette woman, with a turned up nose. The brunette crept back quickly at the sight of the tall, blonde, angry witch, then disappeared back into the sea of people. "What is going on here?"

"The new Firebolt II is being release two days before Christmas," a portly man beside Severus told them, as he was being staggered back and forth by the crowd.

"But it is only the nineteenth," Severus snarled, as stout woman dragging a small, whining child, pushed by him.

"This is for the reservation of one," the wizard said. "There are only hundred being sold in the US. Quiner's only getting two."

"TWO!" Katherine said in shock, her eyes widened. Severus knew that look, and he knew it would only be a matter of seconds before...

"Katherine!" Severus shouted after her, as his wife began pushing her way through the crowd. "Katherine! Wait!" Severus pressed forward, and managed to catch Katherine by the arm before she got too far.

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