Chapter 4: Becoming a Real Prince

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the people or places that belong to the wonderful world of Harry Potter, as they belong to J.K. Rowling. The OCs (Katherine, Septimus, Helena, Christoph, Elisa, Henry & Nick) are entirely my own.


Severus had no idea how long they sat there, listening to the strong thumping of his child's heartbeat. The sound was almost comforting in a way. Elisa waved her wand, cancelling the spell that amplified the baby's heart. Severus was amazed at how silent the room became once it was gone.

"Alright Katherine," Elisa said. "You're all finished. Now it's your turn Severus." The healer turned towards him, and chuckled lightly as Severus paled a bit more.

"I don't think she'll make you disrobe as far as I had to Sev," Katherine chuckled, as she buttoned her nightgown back up.

"That's right," the healer smiled. "Just open the bathrobe to expose your chest. I'll be able to get a clearer reading that way." Grudgingly Severus began opening the robe, revealing his pale chest to the brunette witch once again. Elisa waved her wand over him, starting from his head and moving downward.

"Well," Elisa smiled, lowering her wand. "You check out just fine as well...which actually puzzles me as to how you were both reported dead."

"It's a long story Elisa," Katherine said, as she sat up on the bed next to Severus, who was quickly closing the robe back up. "We'll explain when..."

"Hello?" Christoph's voice sounded through the house. "Where'd everyone disappear to?"

"We're in here Christoph!" Elisa shouted, rolling her eyes mockingly. Moments later, Christoph strode into the bedroom, with a arm full of clothes. He placed the bundle on the bed before Severus, who eyed the linens carefully. He, needless to say, was pleased to see the clothes Christoph had chosen for him. A charcoal gray dress shirt, black trousers and socks.

"Hope everything fits," Christoph said, as he went to stand next to his wife. "Otherwise Elisa is rather gifted with resizing charms. The boys are constantly growing, and if it weren't for that charm, we'd be buying new clothes left and right."

"Well Severus," Katherine said getting up off of the bed. "We'll leave you to get dressed, then the four of us can sit down for a cup of tea."

"Plus then we can get the paperwork sorted away," Christoph said, as he began following the two women to the door. "The Unspeakables will want a full biography and report to file in the morning."


About fifteen minutes later, Severus emerged from the bedroom. The trousers and shirt were a bit thicker width than his own, but with a flick of Elisa's wand, they were fitting perfectly.

The smell of pot roast filled the air as the two couples sat down at the small breakfast table in the kitchen. Elisa had popped back over to her home to retrieve the food, that she had started before Christoph had been called into work. The four ate and talked, mostly about the children, but occasionally about the hospital and government as well.

Once there meal was finished, Elisa and Katherine cleared the table, and Christoph brought out the paperwork that needed to be filed.

"Okay Severus," Christoph said, handing the first page to the other wizard. "This paper here is your information...your biological information. Katherine has filled out as much as she could, and I would like you to fill in the blank. Once finished this page will be filed in the Unspeakables Department, where no one outside that department can view it.

Forever YoursOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora