Chapter 5: The Prophet's Report, Part 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the people or places that belong to the wonderful world of Harry Potter, as they belong to J.K. Rowling. The OCs (Katherine, Septimus, Helena, Christoph, Elisa, Henry, Nick, Justin, Kyle, Carlos, Mike, Nurse Canter & Headmaster Mickels) are entirely my own.


The house was dark and empty; the only light that occasionally occurred came from the thunderstorm erupting outside. Furniture was overturned; pictures and books blasted from their resting places on the shelves. Silence. Complete silence.

The only sound that he could hear was his own beating heart. He moved down the hallway, quickly and quietly. Avoiding the broken chair and foyer table laying in pieces upon the dust covered floor.

Something silent drove him on, towards the shattered door at the end of the hall. He brought his hand up to move the pieces to find himself staring into a small bedroom. The room was no bigger than the small bathroom back at home.

Slowly he advanced into the room, lighting his wand along the way. But as soon as the light filled the room, he stopped in his tracks. For there, in the center of the room, laid two bodies; one man and one woman. He gasped, nearly dropping his wand, as he looked down upon the unmoving man.

Black eyes, black as his own, were shining up at him. But there was no life to these eyes. The man's face was deathly pale, as it laid in a pool of crimson blood that leaked from the body's neck and torso. The man's raven hair was matted to the sides of his face. The right arm outstretched further into the room, reaching out towards the woman, but failing to touch her.

He gasped even louder when his eyes fell upon the woman. She was also lying in a pool of blood, which still wept from her chest and neck. Blonde hair, matted with blood fanned out around her pale face. But it was her eyes that stood out the most. Lifeless icy blue eyes.

"Mom?" he said hoarsely, backing up slightly towards the door. "Dad?" A suddenly rustling sound came from behind him, followed by a loud pitch hiss. Slowly he turned around, only to see a giant snake with large venomous fangs lunging straight towards him.

"NO!" Septimus shot up in his bed, panting hard and covered in sweat. The sound of rustling bed curtains echoed around the dorm room, followed by four pairs of feet padding across the floor.

"Septimus?" His own bed curtains were thrown back relieving four disheveled looking fifth year boys. Mike Palmer, Justin Burke, Kyle Fuchs and Carlos Gonzalo had been his roommates for the past five years; and as it was, they weren't unfamiliar with Septimus' nightmares.

"You alright?" Mike asked, as Kyle lit the room with his wand.

"Yeah..." Septimus said between taking deep breaths. "Yeah...just a nightmare, that's all."

"Was it about the snake again?" Carlos asked, as he sat down on the foot of the bed.

"Yeah, but it was different this time," Septimus muttered, rubbing his hands across his face.

"Listen Sept," Justin started, glancing around at the rest of his roommates. "Maybe you should go to Nurse Canter. She could give you a sleeping draught so you could actually, you know, sleep for once throughout the entire night."

"Justin's right Sept," Kyle said. "The way your nights have been the past couple of weeks, you'll be in no shape for Saturday's game against the Ouachita Sidewinders."

"Alright, fine," Septimus grumbled. "I'll go see her after classes today."


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