Chapter 14: Our Kind of Quality Time

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Frost: So what's happening?

Heister: I'm heading to Brazil, I'm stopping an attack on Rio. 

Frost: Oh, don't do anything stupid alright, just stay safe.

Heister: Of. . .

Aussie: You don't have to worry we'll keep him out of trouble.

Sydney pats my shoulder as the rest of the idiots follow behind her, I crack a smile and start walking with them to the armory.

Heister: Don't worry babe I'll be fine!

I walk with them, once we were far enough away Alex turned to me and says.

Socket: Here I was thinking we'd never get you back.

I chuckle a bit and reply.

Heister: Yeah yeah I know I've been neglecting you guys, well here's some quality time, just us.

Aussie: My kind of quality time!

Zero: No Sydney, our kind of quality time.

We all laugh, we get to the armory and get ready for the battle. 

Time Skip: Some Hours Later in Rio, brought to you by Frosts deep concern

Brazil is for sure one of my favorite places, I always liked getting to know the people. Most of them made great company, but I can't go socialize since were on a mission. We were at a BOPE safe house in the city, since the masks would be watching for any Rainbow activity we decided to stay here till we deployed. We were getting ready to head out, we were all checking our gear and readying ourselves. 

Zero: You good?

Hans wasn't coming with us to the statue, he was in combat clothes but was just going to operate a surveillance drone and cameras around the city.

Heister: Is it weird to say I'm nervous?

Zero: Yeah, never really seen you nervous before.

Heister: I guess I'm just worried that someone might get hurt, after all these aren't our usual foes.

Zero: Foes? Fancy now are we.

Heister: You ass, alright enough talk we should head out.

Zero: Ja let's get to it.

We head down to the garage, the other operators were waiting for us and Taina(Caveria) was looking really impatient.

Caveria: Took you long enough.

I ignored her and got into the white molester style van, it seemed to be the most obvious cop van in the world. Well the other team got to ride in a red van that you would see a soccer mom in, well since we're in Brazil, foot ball mom.

I'm Canadian we call it soccer, don't yell at me, I know I got some readers not from Canada or the U.S.

I looked in the rear view mirror seeing Taina glare, she got into their van and started to leave. Sydney was falling behind nearly dropping her gun, I shake my head and as she jumps in the back I say in a sarcastic tone.

Heister: Way to be professional. 

Aussie: Oh shut it ya pork chop.

With a sigh I turn on the engine and pull out of the building, I made sure my coms with the other team and Hans was all good. I felt still slightly nervous, fuck you got this Y/n.

Time Skip: Up by the Statue, brought to you by the Internationals in a creepy pedo van

By the time we got there any security had been killed, the place was empty even tho the parking lot had plenty of cars there. We were hiding off in the tree line, with no one around it was clear that masks were hiding. 

Heister: *into coms* Zero what do you see?

Zero: *over coms* There's about a dozen masks I can see hiding, they got 8 of them wiring the statue with explosives. There's one keeping watch by the statue with the detonator, I say set a pincer and take him out first. Erinnere dich an meinen Freund, wenn du stirbst. . .
                                                             Remember my friend, if you die. . .

Heister: Lass es ein guter Tod sein.
                 Let it be a good death.

Zero: Mach ihnen die Hölle heiß
               Give them hell.

Nurse: You guys are cute together.

Heister: Oh fuck off.

She chuckles.

Aussie: Alright cunts listen up, what's the plan boss?

Heister: I'll take Zero's advice, Aussie your with me. We'll go flank them from near the front of the statue, and you love birds ok with a fire fight?

Nurse: Yeah I'm good.

Socket: Mommy ain't raise no bitch.

Heister: Alright, time to go to work.

We split up, me and Aussie sneak our way over to the statue, we had to climb up a bit and got near the base of it. 

Heister: *quietly* I'll take out the one with the detonator, you keep me cover.

Aussie: *nods*

We climb up and Aussie takes her knife to the closest mask, she rests the body down and she gets her gun up. I started to creep up behind the mask with the detonator, I get up close and with my left hand I pry open his hand holding the detonator. I hip fire with my AR killing him, I dive back into cover as Aussie guns down the masks setting the charges. We used the base of the statue as cover, we fired at the masks drawing their fire. Socket and Nurse started the pincer and gunned down the masks, we had them like fish in a barrel as we started to push from both sides. It surprised me how well it worked, we checked the area quickly well Aussie got to work on the bombs.

Heister: *into coms* Zero is there any activity?

Zero: *over coms* All clear from what I can see.

Heister: Aussie hows the bombs?

Aussie: Almost!

I look back to see her dealing with the largest charge that connected all the others, she sighs and wipes her brow sitting back with a smirk.

Aussie: There we go, it's all good.

Heister: *into coms* Bombs have been defused.

Zero: *over coms* I'll let the others know, just keep guard till I get you more info.

Heister: *into coms* Roger.

I look around the area seeing the bodies of the masks scattered around, I started to feel some guilt over it, it felt to easy to pull the trigger. 

Aussie: You good?

I looked back to her, she looked concerned which was a first. I crack a smirk and say.

Heister: Always.

Then I felt it, the ground shook slightly. I turned down towards the city as the sky filled with black smoke, the buildings under the pillar of smoke with surrounded by fire. Aussie stood up looking at it as well, Socket and Nurse walked up beside us looking down at the hell being brought down on the city. 

Aussie: Fucking hell.

Nurse: Qu'est-il arrivé?
             What happened?

Heister: Well. . . Fuck.

Hi humans, so now what happened? Is anyone dead? Idk either, you vote now and follow because I need those for my sanity. Now do that now and you will be good humans, 1835 words, Hazard out!

Heister (R6S X Male Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt