He thought about how stupid this seemed because now…what in the hell was he gonna say to you when he called? He didn’t know you; you two had literally only gotten one encounter together…

But that had been enough to make him feel the way he did, right? And he had gone as far as asking for her number from Sehun, and holy shit was that awkward, so maybe he—


D.O froze.

The smoothness of your voice nearly made his hand holding the phone quiver.

Was it even possible to sound beautiful?

You answered again when there was no answer, this time some confusion coating the greeting. “Hello..?”

He squeezed his eyes closed tightly and took a silent deep breath before finally answering back, “Hello—I’m sorry, I-I just—”

“Kyungsoo?” you asked, not meaning to interrupt him. You sounded somewhat pleased to be talking with him, which you were, secretly. He bit the inside of his mouth at the thought of your smile on the other side of the phone.

“Yeah,” D.O replied briefly, feeling his brain go fuzzy again, “Hello.”

“Hi, ahaha,” you laughed, “You kind of already said that.” He winced at the stupidity.

“Aish, I’m sorry,” he muttered, then quickly went to change the subject, “H-how are you?”

“I’m great,” you told him, the smile in your voice very evident. D.O could hear background noise, lots of moving and shuffling.

“I didn’t catch you at a bad time, did I?” he asked while leaning against the kitchen counter.

You hummed in amusement. “Nah, I’m just getting things ready for work tomorrow.”

He plays around with the thought. Sehun never mentioned what you actually did for work to him, but he figure he’d ask her that later. He heard you sigh in relief a little later when all the noise and movement had ceased.

“Oh, I hope you don’t mind that Sehun gave me your phone number,” he says after a moment of silence. You shook your head, though obviously he can’t see.

“Of course not,” you reassure him, then confess, “I was actually going to get your number from Sehun so I could thank you for all your help that day, but seems you’ve beat me to the punch.”

“You could thank me by having coffee with me tomorrow morning? It’s my turn to buy for the group anyways,” D.O suggested without thinking about what he was saying. And once it hit him, he felt his chest grow tight. Why would he even say something like that? he thought miserably.

“Why not?”

D.O’s corners of his mouth twisted from worry into a quirky smile, “Really?”

“Yeah,” you replied sincerely. “Coffee sounds fantastic, actually…” You paused for a second. “I can meet you for a second time there then. Plus I’m sure you’ll need a little help carrying 11 cups back to the studio, right?”

“Yeah but…”

“Yes?” Your voice was so delicate and sweet and D.O almost forgot what he was going to say.

“Sehun,” he then said quickly, “He’s not expecting you to come by until the end of the week. I don’t even think he knew I called you today.”

“A little surprise never hurt anybody, Kyungsoo.”

Your laughs mingle together through the phone.

“Alright,” he exhaled, “Whatever you say.”

“Trust me, he’ll be fine.”

D.O smiled, feeling a little fidgety because he didn’t know where to go from there.

“So I’ll see you tomorrow, right?”

“Looking forward to it. Goodnight Kyungsoo.”


He could hear you chuckle just before you hung up, then he was left in the silence of the kitchen. He stared at his phone blankly. What the hell had…did this just really happen?

D.O jumped slightly when he heard someone enter the kitchen from behind him. He whipped around quietly to find Yixing browsing through the fridge, closing it and moving to the cabinets when he didn’t find what he wanted. Yixing noticed and glanced back at him, smiling. It faded when he saw D.O’s face.

“D.O-ah, are you sick? You look so pale,” Yixing questioned softly, knitting his eyebrows in concern as he pulled a bag of Lays (HAHA) from the cabinet.

D.O was still for a while, trying to figure out if he could even speak real words now.

“I’m fine hyung…” he managed, offering Yixing a slight smile a second later, “I’m great actually.”

                                                             ---A/N: Heyyy guyysss, so sorry this is late. School is... -.- school. But I'm gonna try and force myself to write a new chapter of this every Sunday, so yeah. Up vote if you like (: The story will be much better as it goes along, I promise ahaha <3Msg me feedback or criticism?  Byyyyyye(:

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2014 ⏰

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