Chapter 26-Foliage

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I'm not Satan who's gonna leave a cliff hanger like that and not update for a month. xoxoXIIIlegal

Harry POV

I look up and see Anna dashing out the door with tears lightly staining her cheeks. Out of an impulsive instinct I chase after her. I watch her out pace me as she was sprinting and I was jogging. I watch her from across the street and observe as she quickly scales a trees and is now concealed within an evergreen of leaves. I cross the street and enter the park. It's been so long since I've been to the park. I pull up my hood and I bow my head in attempt to conceal my appearance. I climb up the opposite side of the tree that Anna climbed but not nearly as quickly. How often doe she do this? The thought is dismissed almost immediately when I hear her soft sobs.

"Anna," I call toward her.

She turns around and then turns away again.

"Love, I'm not going to hurt you. I just wanted to check on how you're doing. You just stormed out of the flat like there's no tomorrow. Please? Can we just talk? It can be about something else if you want." I suggest to her.

I plead to no avail as she continues to ignore me no matter what I say. What did Lou say to her? Not knowing what to do I just stand there in hopes that her just knowing that there is someone there could possibly comfort her.

"Do you want to go somewhere? Ice cream? We could go to a lake. We could go to the mall and window shop or we could just eat in the food court." I rush trying to get her to talk to me.
I look at her and take in her appearance. Her usual rosy cheeks and smiles that reach her eyes are replaced with tear residues streaking her cheeks and bloodshot eyes and a red nose. All a crystal clear indicator that she had been crying. I stay silent for a little and I listen to her uneven breathing as she is still recovering from her former meltdown.

I cross the tree and make my way next to her. I gaze out of the tree and the view is breathtaking. Everything you couldn't see from below you can see from up here at this amazing new perspective. I attempt to rub figure eights on Anna's back as she steadies her breathing but she shrugs me off at contact.

"Sweetheart, I want to help you. You just ran out of the house with no explanation. I just want to be there for you like I promised I would. I don't break my promises. You just have to let me in. I can't live up to my promises unless you give me a little insight. I could talk to Louis for you? Would it help if you tell me what went on between you and Lou? I know it seems private and I don't want to intrude or impose or anything, I just want to be able to help. I know that right now we just seem like stupid brothers or whatever we are, but at the end of the day we are family. Regardless of wht you want to label us. Please. Just help me out." I plea.

Right when I think that she's going to let me in and I can live up to my promises, she jumps down from the tree. No warning. She just jumps. Straight down. I watch her as I do not want to break my neck today. That would probably not be the best for our publicity. I observe from the foliage as she walk around the park for a few minutes and then decides on making her way over to the swings. Deep in thought, the girl who flipped me over her back the first day we met was now vulnerable. I watch as her candle lit coloured hair whipped behind her. I watch her for about ten minutes and I make my way down the tree.

Taking my spot next to Anna, I sink into the swing beside her.

"Anna. Please." I didn't need anymore explanation. She knew, I knew, what was the point of reiterating? I can't stand just watching her shut me out. What the hell did Louis say to her?

Anna's feet touch the ground each time she is at the lowest point on the swing eventually leading her to a halt. I watch as she slows, as her hair would engulf her face and stick there because of her tears. I watch as her legs are coated with a light layer of dust due to her attempts to stop her swing. I watch as she loses herself within.

"Haz," is the only word I hear before she breaks down again and is silenced by her sobs.

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