Chapter 13-Okay? Okay.

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Hi. Most of it this chapter is dialogue as well and if you have grammar corrections or find any spelling errors, don't hesitate to comment the correction. This is also a The Fault In Our Stars tribute. Kinda. Not really. I just took the "Okay? Okay." from it. I haven't finished it either so don't ruin it or I ruin you. Okay? Okay. xoxoXIIIlegal

Anna POV

I shut the door and flop down on my bed. Ugh! It's been such a long day! How am I supposed to "let them in"? I can barely accept myself. I mean, I've had to live with myself 24/7!

"They have to live with you too."

"Shut up and stop being such a smart ass."

"No. It's my job to piss you off."

"You don't get paid so technically it could only be a volunteer or an intern."

I hear my door brush against the floor. I look up from my pacing to see Louis standing in the doorway.

"Umm...Anna? Who are you talking too?"

"Shit! I said that out loud?'

"LANGUAGE! And yes. Yes you did." he scolds.

"I may or may not have been talking to myself." I mutter under my breath.

"So we pushed your first day of school back a week," he says ignoring the past moment. "Would you like to see it?"

Without waiting for my answer, he opens the untouched laptop and types in the URL. On the home screen I see boys and girls in stiff uniforms that look like they could be made out of cardboard. The school looks so boring and I would fall asleep in every class. I put on a fake smile.

"Yeah! Cool. Do I need school supplies, or are they provided?" I grit through my teeth.

"You don't like it, do you?" Louis says as disappointment flashes through his eyes.

"No no! I love it! It's just new, that all. I've never been to anything like it before." I try to cover up.

Louis narrows his eyes at me and the small gesture turns into a mini staring contest. "You're lying," he accuses.

"How did you know?" I shoot back.

"You're my daughter. I just know these things." Louis says with a bit of (a little more than a bit) sass. "How about we look at some other schools and you can pick. Okay?" He asks more sympathetically.

"Okay." I agree.

"Great. Give me like 10 minutes and I'll pull up some schools in the area. Would you like to go to private or public?" He asks.

"Umm. . .public is fine." I answer. Honestly, I would rather go to my old school, but I don't want to waste his money.

"Again. You are my daughter. I know you well enough to know that you're lying to me right now. I will allow you to go to a public school if you can look me in the eye and say that you would rather go to a public school rather than a private school." He says seriously. How does he do that? One minute he'll be laughing his head off and that his eyes would turn dead serious as if they could kill.

"I. . .I. . .I don't want you spending any extra money on me." I come out with.

"Anna. I have millions. I really don't mind spending on you either, after all, I do love you." he smiles.

"Please don't spend any on me," I protest.

"ONLY JIMMY CAN PROTEST!" Louis yells. "And the tuition won't make a dent in my bank account." See what I mean? Yelling to protesting. Protesting. Louis Tomlinson was protesting.

"I thought you said only Jimmy could protest. Look who's protesting now," I attempt to divert the conversation away from school. Key word: attempt.

"Stop trying to change the subject. I just want you to be happy. No matter what the price is." Louis explains.

I hear a chorus of 'awws' from the other side of my door. I press my index finger to my lips telling Louis to be quiet. What a concept. I silently make my way to the door I close my fingers around the bronze knob. Without warning, I jolt it open and see four teenage boys stumble through the doorway. Time to have some fun with this.

I fold my arms and look down at the four scrambling 20 year olds at my feet.

"What were you doing?" I glare at them.


"I said, what were you doing? Don't make me ask again!" I menace.

"N-n-nothing!" They stutter together.

I raise my eyebrows and tap my fingers impatietly against my forearm.

"Fine! We were listening to your conversation with Louis." Niall concedes.

I give them a slight nod waiting for further explanation.

"Damn! She'd give Liam a run for his money!" Harry whispers.

I jerk my head in Harry's direction and mercilessly watch him shrink into the wall behind him.

Louis is the first at his side. He stands up looking down on me.

"Anna," he says calmly but firmly.

"Yes, Daddy?" I ask innocently resisting to shrivel up under his glare.

"Say your sorry to Hazza," he demands.

"I sowwy Hazza Bear." I say giving him a bear hug.

"Good. Now let's-wait. Did I hear you call me Daddy?" he says changing the subject midsentence.


I bolt out the door and slide down the stairs railing. I skid across the kitchen floor, jump over the couch, swing the front door open, and run around the back to gain roof access.

I fall asleep outside for a few hours on the roof thinking about the meaning of life when the rain starts at a downpour. Perfect. How long have I been out here? I start making my way down and when I'm at the about the middle of the ladder leading up to the roof, my hand slips. Although I am freezing, I manage to pull my numb hand back on to the rung. I look at my hands and see that my knuckles are white from gripping so tightly. I find my way back to the living room and I zone out as I am bombarded with questions. The next thing I know, I am placed into a hot bath. Out of reflex, I shriek in pain from the boiling burning sensation.

As I start to grow accustomed to the heat and as my the purple color fades from my lips. As my eyes start to focus again, I drift out of my trance.

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