Chapter 5-The Prank, The Self Harm And a New Start

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This is my authors note. Sorry I couldn't post for a while cuz' I'm just that good at getting grounded. xoxoXIIIlegal

Anna POV

I had an amazing prank planned for today. It would happen when the boys tried to wake me up.

"Aww...she looks so cute!" I think Liam whisper.

"I don't want to wake her up, she looks so peaceful" Man, Harry has to learn how to whisper.

"Fine. Let's take a picture than have Louis wake her up." Zayn finalizes the decision.

"WHY ME?" Louis almost yells.

"SHH! And because you're her dad," the other four whisper shout in unison. I still think it's really creepy that they can do that.

I hear a bunch of snaps then a hand touches my shoulder. Time for my prank. I reach under my pillow and pull out my hard and black realistic but not real gun. It is filled with red paint balls to freak whoever I shout out. The idea is that they think that they were shot, freak out, then realize it didn't hurt that bad and think they're dead, pick up their hand to feel the blood, freak out some more, then realize that I just pranked them and total freak out. I just giving them a taste of where my pranks can go. I pull the trigger and see Harry was my victim. Harry has a big red splat right in the middle of his forehead. Perfect. The other guys are just standing there not knowing what to do. Louis is the first to realize he's not dead and busrts out laughing. I follow him and all the other guys now know what's going on and we're all laughing...except for Harry. I think he's mad. Oh well. Ground me for life, that was totally worth it.

I get out of bed and skip downstairs for breakfast.

Harry POV

I realize I'm not dead so I decide to act mad. I wonder what her reaction will be. I wipe off the red paint and look in the mirror. There is still a red splat on my forehead. I take some soap and try scrubbing it off. Is this stuff permanent? I'll get it off later. I walk down stairs and see a plate of eggs, toast and bacon in front of her with just a few bites taken out of the toast. What hasn't she told us?

"You haven't touched your bacon or eggs," Niall says accusingly to Anna.

She just shrugged. "I'm vegetarian, that's all."

"Why don't you eat some more toast?" Louis says while Niall is sliding Anna's bacon and eggs on to his plate.

"Not hungry," she says simply.

"Are you anorexic?" the words come out of my mouth before I could stop them. The guys give me a glare that says shut up.

Anna POV

Nice one, Harry. I can't tell that I'm anorexic! They'll send me to rehab...again. I could just say I'm not used to eating much. That's it. I mean, I'm not lying, I'm not used to eating much, but on the off hand chance I can eat more than a few bites, I choose not to. There's also the fact that it involutarily comes back up. I'm about to sell my story and I see all of five of the guys with their jaws amost touching the floor.

"Did I just say that out loud?" I ask not wanting to know that answer.

They all nodded at different times in shock.

"Please don't send me back to rehab," I plead. They want to get rid of me, rehab is a good excuse I guess.

"We can help you through this. We won't send you to rehab if you really don't want to, although it is a good idea, but we will get through this together. For now, rehab is your choice, but if it gets out of hand, it won't be." Louis says firmly.

"Is there anything else we should know, sweetheart?" Zayn asks soothingly. He places a hand on my shoulder. I flinch, but don't do anything. Instead of hurting him, I just nod and quickly run up to my room. When I reach my closed door, I twist the knob and cross over to the flat screen. I reach up and slide the blade off the side causing it to land softly on it's side on my carpet. Much slower this time, I walk down the stairs. I see all the boys just exchanging glances not knowing what to do. I place the small blunt blade on the table and walk over to Louis. I crawl onto his lap and start sobbing hysterically into the crook of his neck. Maybe this will be a new start. All the other families didn't care if I self harmed as long as I didn't kill myself, that way I would still be their sex slave.

"I'm sorry," I whisper after my sobbs have died down. I look up and see Niall's eyes bloodshot. Was he crying too? They might actually care. I might actually have a home.

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