Chapter 23-Can We Keep The Cat?

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So I'm past 2.5k reads and that is just amazing for me. I remember the day when I looked at my stats and I had 99 reads and I read one of my chapters to get it up to 100. I try to dedicate as many chapters as possible to people but I forget. A lot. But I would like to dedicate this chapter to all of the people who have supported me from the beginning, who have voted for several of my chapters, who have told me a plot idea. @salomerox @kianda1fry @Karina_rox @greero @hp_and_pigs @Jessica-Anne @btwlouis and so many more. I'm sorry if I didn't get your name down but I tried my best to get all of those who continuously hit that star button. Love you! xoxoXIIIlegal

Anna POV

I swear I'm going to get scoliosis. I am really not used to carrying 50 pounds on my back. Who knew that five textbooks, eight binders, four reams of paper, a calculator, and two workbooks could be so heavy? Only two more blocks. It's not that far, right? I can see the house from here. I mean, that really doesn't say anything because I can see the house from school.

Grabbing my copy of the key from the front pocket of my backpack, I jam it in the key hole with so much force that I was afraid that the knob would break off. Wow. I have a lot if stored anger in me.

"Anna! What are you doing here?" Louis asks startled.

"Uhhh. . .last time I checked I live here? Have I been sent back to the orphanage and I am just unaware of something?" I ask confused.

"You're not supposed to be back for another half hour!" Louis yells.

"There's no need to yell. And school gets out at three and it's five blocks away." I explain. "I'm going to go do homework. I'm also still mad at you. Just clarifying."

I strut up the stairs and lock myself in my room. Before I begin homework, I search for my journal under my mattress. Why isn't it here? Ugh! I gave it to Liam.


I hear pounding footsteps gradually getting louder as they approach the room. The door flies open and there stands Liam catching his breath.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? What happened?" he asks frantically.

"Nothing happened. I just want my journal back." I tell him calmly.

"Oh, okay, let me just go get it." he lies.

"Yeah, sure," I call after him as he exits my room.

Liam POV

Shit shit shit.

"Niall!" I yell through his door.

"Yeah?" he answers.

"C'mere" I motion from his door way.

"Oh my God. I think I lost Anna's diary. What the fuck? This is her most prized possession, it's one of the few things she brought from the orphanage. If it's gone she will flip out. She trusted me, Ni! She's never going to forgive me!" I gradually make my way to sobs.

"It's okay mate. Even if we can't find it, she will forgive you. She trusted you with it this far so I don't see why she wouldn't still trust you. She would understand that you would never do anything with it intentionally. Besides, she probably heard our fight and I think it might've just gotten lost in that confusion. She will understand. In the meantime, why don't we go look for it?" Niall is great at giving peptalks. He would make a great coach, you know, if he wasn't in the band and all.

"Let's start with your room because that's where you were reading it." Niall escorts me to my own room. That's not weird.

Luckily, my room is clean unlike any other room in the house. I start by peeling back the duvet as Niall get on his hands and knees to look under the dresser. Going through everything I own is an adventure. I found clothes that I didn't even know I had. We found some really sweet fan mail. Our fans are the best. I have letters from all over the world and I couldn't read half of it but that's irrelevant. I found a stuffed cat that I must've hid from Harry years ago. I actually remember that day.

We were in a toy store right after our first opening for Big Time Rush because Louis saw a giant nerd box and insisted that we went and bought it. Because everyone needs a two foot tall nerd box filled with even more sugar to make him hyper. As we were walking through the store, everyone managed to pick out someting and Harry picked a stuffed cat that made a noise everytime you pressed it's paw. When he saw it, he yelled "Can we keep the cat?!?!" so that the entire store could hear us. After the cat would 'meow' 24/7 I just became sick of it and hid it in my room.

I hear Niall snicker. I turn around and see him holding a lacy pink thong. I snatch that from him and shove it away in a different drawer. He raises his eybrows at me.

"It's Sophia's, okay? Geez!" I shake my head and continue the search for Anna's diary. I start opening drawers rapidly because it's been almost an hour and Anna will know something is up.

"Li, chill! The only way you are going to find this is if you really look in a calm manner. You're never going to find it by just emptying it and throwing everything on to the floor. Hey, your room almost looks like the living room!" Niall says with a broad, cheeky grin splattered across his face.

"Yeah, I know. You know how long it's going to take me to clean this up? Ugh!" I groan.

I cross my room and dig through the back of my closet while Niall goes through the mountain of clothes that are piled in the middle. Just as I reach the very back of my closet I hear Niall yell two words.

"Found it!"

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