XVII | Announcements

Start from the beginning

"No one wants their sins spoken, Iyana," she said. "Everyone has a vice they do not want to share."

Iyana scoffed. "Women in particular, of course. I am not blind. I saw the carriages of mistresses lined up outside."

Sasha just smiled.

"Which is why we must prepare you good, my lady. It is the first ball in Humbrick tonight. First impression, they say, lasts."

Sasha absently watched as Iyana opened the trunk filled with her new ballgowns, displayed them on the large bed, and talked to herself about how they should do her hair for each one.

She felt useless.

She was doing nothing because her maids would not allow her.

She was not making progress with her mission.

Sasha sighed. What would she tell West if she met him here? He was expecting her to find his sister and she was not even certain if she should.

And then there was Gabrielle who had deliberately lied to her. Why did the woman tell her not to go to Belcourt when it was clear that the mistresses of both the Courts of Arms and Flowers had no idea? And why did she not tell both mistresses about Sasha's agreement with West?


The week-long Humbrick Ball was the party that no one dared to talk about after it was over, and one spoken too often before it started.

Coinciding with the other balls happening in Coulway, the people who were not invited this week could only imagine who was here. People would forever remain wondering if any of their sons or daughters; brothers or sisters; husbands or wives had been to Humbrick. They shall never know for nothing escapes Humbrick, the place of temptation and vice.

Tanner and Rider were fast to find West after he went down from his chamber, dragging him to a packed drawing room filled with affluent individuals, most of whom titled lords who came to the ball without their wives which was a very common and deliberate circumstance.

Humbrick Ball was designed for men in the highest of stations to display all types of despicable behaviors, bringing their mistresses to be the most common one.

For unmarried men, it was an occasion that they could enjoy without being stalked by women and their mothers, an opportunity to meet potential lovers, and even men they could potentially have business with. West, in the five years he had been attending Humbrick, only came to find people who would cast the same votes as him during parliament.

In the middle of the drawing room was the woman that everyone was fond of—Aliya. Dressed in white, her shoulders bare for all men to gawk at. She was showered in attention as she talked with a glass of brandy in her gloved hand. She immediately spotted West and his friends make their entrance. Her eyes glistened with recognition and she took a step forward.

"Your Grace," she said, giving West a curtsy. "It is such a pleasant surprise that you came early for the ball." She turned to the large man beside her. "You do remember you introduced me to Lord Eaton, my lord, yes?"

The Marquess of Hartcaster regarded West with his blue eyes. As a man with a reputation to be aggressive and brutal, Hartcaster was nothing like that. The man could be as soft as a bloody kitten when parliament was in session. He was always the first to cave in.

"Eaton," Hartcaster said, giving West a nod. He turned to Tanner and Rider. "Keene, Leighton."

"I believe you have not introduced us to your friend, Lord Hartcaster," said Tanner, eyeing Aliya with interest.

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