Chapter Eight

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Cali was paralyzed and hypnotized under his gaze. The words were jumbled in her mind but nothing came out from her mouth.

"You're looking for me the moment you step in." Luke stated the truth which crumbles her inside. "Is there anything you want to tell me, Cali?"


It's been a while since she heard her name from him.  It brings back the sweet and bitter memories of the past.  How she wish she could turn back time. She will not hurt him and will treasure him throughout their lives.  Maybe they could have two kids or three by now basing on the intensity and passion they had in the past.

She has a lot to tell him but only two words come out from her mouth.

"I'm sorry."

Luke intently look at her and she can't read what he's thinking.  She can't read him anymore.  Luke was one open book to her and now, it's frustrating that he's too closed off and she's part of the reason why.

"Your sorry is too late, Cali. 3 years late to be exact."

"I can't change the past.  If I can, I will. I really wish I could replay the past and make it all right."


"If you're truly sorry, then help me forget.  Help me forget tonight, Cali. Just one night."

She didn't know what makes her said 'yes'.  Is it the way he tell her name? Or just tonight is special one because she is seeing a glimpse of old Luke? The old Luke that loves her, that will do everything for her, and will not hurt her.

Her logical mind is beating her.

'Cali, don't do this.  You're making the biggest mistake of your life.  You're so much more than a one-night stand.  Luke doesn't love you anymore so please don't.  Remember the reason why you're looking for him. Telling him about Lucas, not jumping into his bed.  You will only get hurt. Please. Don't.'

Her illogical and desperate mind taunt her.

'One night with Luke is not bad.  I know you miss the passionate and raw sex.  If you pass this opportunity, there will be no next time. Just this one night and consider this a goodbye gift then move on.'

Screw logical thinking.  She thrashed out all the logical thoughts she has.  This is not a time for rational thinking.

'Just one night.'

That's her last thought before she grabbed Luke's neck then she kissed him. Luke embraced her, deepening their kiss.  It feels home. A tears escape her eyes. She knew that it is only for one night but she felt finally found. That she's finally at home. She felt that she can finally breath properly for the longest time. She realized what she's missing but she closed her mind and instilled in her gullible heart that this is only for a night.  A night of passion.

Their kiss broke but both of them are breathless.  Their forehead touch while their eyes still closed, both couldn't believe the intensity of the kiss they just shared.

"Let's get out of here." Luke said then he grabbed her hands and make their way out of the party.

No words were said.

It's not an awkward silence but sexual tension can be felt between them.

They silently ride the elevator into the penthouse. Luke rented the penthouse tonight maybe because he anticipated that he needs it.

When they got into the penthouse, Luke tap the key card.

"Do you want anything to eat? I'll order something to eat." Luke offered to her.

"I'm good."

"How about a drink? I have unopen champagne.  Wait here." Luke went to the kitchen while she get off from her 5-inch heels which killing her feet from the moment she wore it.

She followed into the kitchen and sat on the island. 

"Here's to the lady." Luke walked and gave her a glass of champagne.


They both take a sipped on their glasses.

Luke stood between her legs and grabbed her neck.

"Sweet as I remember." Luke whispered between their kiss. "Jump, baby."

Cali jumped and Luke went to the bedroom without breaking their kiss. Luke dropped her gently on the bed mattress and slowly took off her maroon dress. Cali was lost into Luke's eyes.  To his caress and touches. Cali is aware that she's probably regret this tomorrow, that she's putting her heart at risk but she doesn't care anymore.  She was too addicted to stop right now.  She was a puddle and she's on Luke's mercy.

Clothes were threw in the floor. Two naked bodies touching and fire is everywhere. Kisses and hickeys. Moans and climax.

Cali didn't know when she ended and Luke's ended but they didn't stop until dawn.

Their lovemaking can be described as explosive, fireworks and out of the world.

They sleep that morning with a smile and contentment.

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